Flea Control in Atlantic County: Tips for Pet Owners

Flea Control in Atlantic County: Tips for Pet Owners

There’s a long list of pests that can show up in your yard. But among all these pests, fleas can be some of the most bothersome for your pets. When fleas bite your pets, they can cause inflammation, itchiness, and even infection. At Lawn Doctor of Atlantic County, we utilize comprehensive flea control treatments to fight these invasive pests and help you keep them out over time. But that’s not to say there’s nothing you can do on your own. Below, we’ll take a closer look at some of the steps you can take to keep fleas off your pets.

Effective Flea Control Tips

Several steps are involved in protecting your pets from fleas both close to home and away from home. Let’s take a closer look at a few of them:

Close to Home

When it comes to keeping fleas off your pets when you’re close to home, there are a few key steps that need to be taken. One step you can take is to eliminate potential hiding places for small animals and birds. Mice, rats, rabbits, birds, and other animals are generally responsible for bringing fleas onto your property, which is why addressing nests, collections of branches, tall grass, and other potential hiding places or breeding grounds for animals is important when it comes to flea control in Atlantic County.

Another important step towards keeping your pets protected from fleas at home is to bathe your pets regularly. Using flea shampoos to bathe your pets on a regular schedule can help you eliminate fleas before they become a bigger problem.

Away From Home

You have less control over flea interactions when you’re away from home, but there are still steps you can take. Walking in the middle of hiking paths, steering clear of areas covered in tall grass, and avoiding contact with wild animals can go a long way toward keeping fleas off your pets.

Our Professional Flea Control in Atlantic County

To effectively protect your pets from fleas, it’s important to fight them in your home’s outdoor spaces. That’s where our top-notch flea control comes in. With our proven products and our comprehensive approach, our team is able to help you and your pets spend time more comfortably in your outdoor spaces.

We offer proven flea control to our neighbors located all over the area. Here are the communities we serve:

  • Atlantic County
  • Egg Harbor Township
  • Galloway
  • Linwood
  • Mays Landing
  • Hammonton
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

For flea control in Atlantic County, contact us today!