4 Problems Our Lawncare Service in Bethany Can Solve

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawncare Service in Bethany

Would you love to have a thick, green yard you could enjoy without having to constantly solve issues related to its health? At Lawn Doctor of Edmond-OKC, we make a difference to local homeowners by providing lawncare services across the Bethany area that target specific lawn problems and promote healthy grass growth. When you have our team caring for your lawn, you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing you won’t be the one responsible for diagnosing and treating complicated issues.

Our Lawncare Service Tackles a Range of Lawn Problems

The range of lawn problems we can resolve through our services is vast. Below are just a few that we commonly tackle through our lawncare services in the Bethany area:

  • Sparse growth. We fill in sparse or balding areas with our precise power seeding services, which promote even growth and thicker turf.
  • Compacted soil or heavy thatch. Dense soil and a build-up of heavy surface thatch can wreak havoc on your lawn and lead to anemic growth. Through professional core aeration, we remove soil plugs and excess thatch to breathe life back into the foundation of the lawn.
  • Pest infestations. Whether you are exhausted by buzzing mosquitoes or worried about potential tick bites, we have you covered. Our pest control treatments can give you relief from annoying insects and offer a layer of protection for your yard and your family.
  • Stubborn and aggressive weeds. With our proven weed control services, you can look forward to having invasive plants on your lawn become a problem of the past. Our comprehensive strategies include the elimination of existing weeds and preventative steps that help keep others from gaining traction in your landscape.

Transform Your Lawn in Bethany With Help From Our Lawncare Service

When it comes to your lawn, you may feel stressed about maintaining its health. Allow us to take on this burden instead and remedy the problems that are making lawn care such a hassle. You can trust our top-notch customer satisfaction guarantee and the in-depth knowledge of our technicians as you watch your lawn transform into a healthier, more beautiful space.

Our variety of lawncare solutions and treatment programs are available in:

  • Bethany
  • Mustang
  • Yukon
  • Jones
  • Piedmont
  • Oklahoma City
  • North Oklahoma City
  • Arcadia
  • El Reno
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

For a lawncare service in Bethany, contact us today!