Lawn Care Tips for Rhode Island Homeowners

green grass maintained with lawn doctor of Rhode Island lawn care At any given time, there are harmful microorganisms lying dormant in your lawn ready to strike. And when they do, you’ll see it in the form of discolored grass and thinning spots. How can you protect your lawn, and keep it healthy and strong throughout every season? Start with these tips from licensed lawn care technicians at Lawn Doctor of Rhode Island.

Be mindful when watering. Water can be both a friend and a foe when it comes to lawn care. While your grass needs sufficient hydration, too much moisture can make it more vulnerable to fungus infection. That’s why when you’re watering your lawn, it’s best to do it infrequently and more deeply if you are using a conventional type lawn sprinkler. An easy way to water if you have an in-ground sprinkler system is the Odd/Even calendar date method. Avoid watering your lawn in the evening when it will stay wet overnight, especially in humid conditions. Instead, early morning watering between 5 a.m. and 9 a.m. is best.

Keep your lawn well-aerated. Another key factor in preventing lawn diseases is to ensure your soil is well-aerated with good drainage. If it’s not, there again, moisture will become a problem from standing puddles of water in your lawn. Core aeration of your lawn every fall is a great way to reduce soil compaction and eliminate wasteful run-off of water and lawn care treatments.

Mow and fertilize correctly. Mowing your lawn at a height of 3 inches year round and applying season appropriate fertilizer are two essentials to good lawn care for Rhode Island homeowners. However, if you’re not performing them correctly, then you can open up your lawn to a host of diseases.

For instance, when mowing, if you’re using a dull blade, you’re going to shred the tips of the grass, making them more susceptible to infections. Likewise, too much nitrogen in fertilizer encourages heavy top growth in grass plants, also making them more prone to lawn diseases.

Get your soil tested. Beyond roots and grass blades, it’s vitally important that your soil is healthy and well-balanced. If it’s not, then growth will be weak and grass won’t be able to naturally resist disease-causing microorganisms. However, when you test your soil, you can identify its exact nutrient needs and chemical imbalances, so you can deliver the right treatment options.  Ask us about soil testing!

Get Professional Lawn Care Help from Lawn Doctor of Rhode Island

If you want a lawn that’s healthy and disease-free, but don’t have the time to provide the right care, let the experts at Lawn Doctor of Rhode Island help. We offer a wide range of services that can get diseases under control and suppressed, promoting thicker, greener growth in the process. We even back every service with a guarantee that’s the industry’s strongest.

Our lawn care services are available to homeowners from  Westerly to Woonsocket, the East Bay communities and Aquidneck Island. To learn more or schedule a free consultation, call Lawn Doctor of Rhode Island today at 401.392.1025.