Residential Lawn Care in Gaithersburg: 4 Lawn Terms You Should Know

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Gaithersburg

Your home’s outdoor spaces need maintenance to stay healthy and protected from external threats. But when our team shows up, you may hear some industry-specific terms that you’re not familiar with. Lawn care has a unique vocabulary, and understanding some key terms will help you understand your lawn a little bit better. We’ll highlight some of these essential terms below and how they relate to our residential lawn care in the Gaithersburg, MD area.

Essential Lawn Care Terms

Let’s take a closer look at some essential lawn care terms, what they mean, and when they might pop up:

1. Treatment

Your lawn needs maintenance to produce consistent grass growth and fend off threats like weeds. The separate components of this maintenance are referred to as individual “treatments.” Treatments you might be familiar with are fertilization and weed control treatments, but we offer a complete range of other treatment options to keep your yard looking great.

2. Scalping

How you mow your grass plays an important part in how it develops through the seasons. While we’re giving you tips on how to get the most out of mowing, you may hear the term “scalping,” which refers to mowing your grass too low. Grass that’s cut too short is more susceptible to weed infestations and sun damage, which is why it’s a mistake to be avoided.

3. Red Thread

Lawn diseases can develop because of nutrient deficiencies and several other issues. One of these diseases is called “red thread.” Red thread, like many lawn diseases, is caused by fungus, and it causes unsightly pinkish strands to pop up in your lawn. With our range of treatments, we fight red thread and a long list of other lawn diseases.

4. Aeration

Compacted soil takes a heavy toll on your lawn by preventing oxygen and other essential resources from reaching your root systems. “Aeration” is using tools to break this compacted soil apart and restore the circulation of oxygen, water, and other resources to your roots.

Our Residential Lawn Care in Gaithersburg

Working with us means getting residential lawn care service designed around your specific needs. We’ll be with you every step of the way to address necessary changes and answer any questions you may have.

We offer top-notch residential lawn care to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Gaithersburg, MD
  • Bethesda, MD
  • Potomac, MD
  • Montgomery County, MD
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For residential lawn care in Gaithersburg, contact us today!