Weed Control in Covington: How We Can Help

Close up of blades of grass showing weed control in CovingtonWhen invasive weeds like chickweed, clover, and dandelion start creeping into your yard, it can be a difficult and labor-intensive task to get them out on your own. These and other weeds can take over large areas of your yard in a relatively short amount of time, taking a heavy toll on your lawn’s health and appearance in the process. That’s where our weed control in Covington and McDonough comes in.

At Lawn Doctor of McDonough-Covington, we bring area homeowners lasting results and save them the hassles of controlling weeds on their own with our proven treatments. With our premium weed control treatments, we bring healthy, weed-free lawns to our neighbors in and around Covington and McDonough, including in Conyers, Ellenwood, Lithonia, Oxford, and Stockbridge, GA.

Our Solutions for Weed Control in Covington

It takes a comprehensive approach to keep invasive lawn weeds at bay throughout the entire year. Conventional treatment methods and store-bought weed control solutions are often limited in their ability to address a wide range of weeds at different stages of their development. When you work with our team at Lawn Doctor of McDonough-Covington, you gain access to complete weed control treatments that provide long-lasting relief from these pesky plants. Here is a quick look at our process:

Fertilization. Healthy lawns can fight off weeds more easily than unhealthy lawns, which is why effective fertilization is such an important part of ongoing weed control. We utilize our custom-tailored fertilization treatments to improve the nutrient density of local lawns, which boosts their overall health and natural defenses against invasive lawn weeds throughout the entire year.

Pre-Emergent Weed Control. One of the most effective strategies for fighting lawn weeds is to address them before they have a chance to break through the surface of the soil. Our team utilizes pre-emergent weed control treatments to target the weeds in your lawn that are still in the early stages of their development or are lying dormant in wait for their preferred weather conditions. With this approach, we can fight weeds before they become a problem.

Broadleaf Weed and Crabgrass Control. Getting rid of your yard’s active weed populations without causing damage to the grass and other plants in your yard can be tricky to achieve with store-bought products. With our broadleaf weed and crabgrass control treatments, we utilize precision-driven techniques and some of the industry’s most advanced products to drive out active weeds while leaving the rest of your yard unharmed.

Call Lawn Doctor of McDonough-Covington today at (678) 931-9166 to learn more about our solutions for weed control in Covington, also offered to local homeowners in McDonough, Conyers, Ellenwood, Lithonia, Oxford, Stockbridge, and the surrounding communities.