Spring Lawn Care in Covington: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

Green grass from Lawn Doctor's Spring Lawn Care in Covington

Winter weather comes with a long list of threats that can not only jeopardize your lawn’s health towards the end of the year, but also give it a slow start as the temperatures start to rise. To help your lawn make it through the winter with its health intact and thrive in the spring, there are some steps that need to be taken. You can take some of these precautionary steps on your own, and for the rest you can turn to the spring lawn care trusted by homeowners all over the Covington, Conyers, Ellenwood, Lithonia, McDonough, Oxford, and Stockbridge, GA areas.

How to Get a Head Start on Spring Lawn Care

Depending on your lawn’s current bill of health, there can be a long list of steps that need to be taken to get it ready for the spring. Here is a quick look at a couple of the many steps that can be taken to get your lawn on track to springtime health:

Preventative Weed Control. Although many species of weeds traditionally pop up in the spring, there are also many species that can arrive at the end of the year and lie dormant through the winter. These weeds can survive the colder months and add to the populations that need to be addressed during warmer weather. By fighting these weeds at the end of the year, you’ll make controlling weeds in the spring much lighter work.

General Lawn Upkeep. Obstructions in your lawn like tree branches, underbrush, and leaf litter can take a heavy toll on your yard’s ongoing health, which is why it is essential to keep your lawn clear of them. This debris can attract and harbor invasive pests while also creating conditions that many lawn diseases can thrive in. By keeping your yard tidy, you can give it a much better shot at staying healthy through the seasons.

Our Hassle-Free Spring Lawn Care for Covington Homeowners

Priming your lawn for new growth in the spring doesn’t have to be a hassle in the winter. When you work with us, you don’t have to be trapped at home for our technicians to treat your yard, giving you more flexibility with your schedule.

To learn more about our spring lawn care in Covington, contact us today! We provide premium spring lawn care solutions to our neighbors spanning Covington, Conyers, Ellenwood, Lithonia, McDonough, Oxford, Stockbridge, and the surrounding communities.