Tips For Grass Care in Conyers: What to Do Between Treatments

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Conyers

With detailed grass care for Conyers properties, Lawn Doctor of McDonough-Covington can solve a wide range of critical issues. Our experts know how to boost growth, reduce weeds, defend against pests, and maintain that lush, thriving landscape you need for your home or business. Our work will also save you from hours of tedious and confusing labor, while reducing long-term expenses and delivering guaranteed success for your lawn.

To further assist our clients, we are always happy to share our advice and wisdom. Let’s go over some key tips to help you maintain the health and growth of your lawn in between our visits.

DIY Grass Care Tips For Conyers Area Lawns

While our team is ready to handle complex weed control, fertilization, and many other services, we will leave the basic stuff like mowing and watering to you. Here are some tips to make sure those tasks are done right:

Mowing. To mow effectively, you need to be aware of a common beginner’s mistake. Many people cut their lawns too short, and this can become a real problem. Taller lawns are better for protection against weeds and pests, and allow your grass, soil, and roots to absorb more water. For these reasons, you should never trim your lawn by more than one third.

Watering. Efficient watering is very important, especially during the dry summer months. Early morning watering sessions are ideal, so you should always aim to water your grass just before sunrise, twice per week. Another factor to keep in mind is that the wind can prevent your lawn from absorbing water. To avoid wasting precious resources, never water when the wind is stronger than 5mph.

Pet issues. Dogs can do some serious harm to your lawn, so spot-training your pets is important. Create a mulch or gravel zone in your yard and train your dog to relieve themselves in this area. This will protect your grass from the nitrogen in its urine, which can create dead spots.

Expert Grass Care in Your Area

With friendly service done by experienced local professionals, you can count on effective treatments that always go the extra mile. We are thrilled to deliver proven solutions for a wide range of grass care needs. Our service will save you time, energy, and money while delivering superior results for your lawn. We offer our guaranteed services throughout:

  • Conyers
  • Covington
  • Ellenwood
  • Stockbridge
  • McDonough
  • Lithonia
  • Oxford
  • And the surrounding areas

Conyers homeowners looking for lush green lawns should contact us today to get started with grass care services that bring results.