3 Problems Our Lawncare Service in Corrales Can Solve

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawncare Service in Corrales

Maintaining a healthy lawn means solving problems that constantly pop up from season to season. From weed infestations and lawn diseases to nutrient imbalances and a long list of other issues, it takes a dedicated, ongoing approach to solve lawn problems and prevent them from coming back. At Lawn Doctor of Albuquerque, we utilize a full range of proven lawncare services to help Corrales homeowners tackle these problems and keep them at bay in the future.

The Problems We Solve

Unhealthy Grass

Unhealthy grass is one of the most common issues we see in local lawns, and it can manifest in several different ways. Yellow grass, bald spots, lawn diseases, growth issues, and many other problems are all signs that something is off. However, because many factors can lead to unhealthy grass, it’s not an easy problem to diagnose and solve on your own. With our comprehensive approach to lawncare service, our team is quick to identify and remedy the issues that negatively impact the health of your grass and the other greenery in your yard.

Compacted Soil

Compacted soil can quickly cause a downturn in your lawn’s overall health, making it more difficult for your root systems to access the sunlight, water, and nutrients they need to stay healthy. DIY aeration generally requires a lot of effort for very little relief, making it a job that’s better left to the experts. Our advanced aeration solutions will boost your yard’s overall composition and create an environment where your grass can thrive.

Weed Infestations

Once weeds start creeping into your home’s outdoor spaces, it can be tricky to stop them. And efforts to fight weeds alone can often cause damage to your grass, which is just one reason why it’s best left in the hands of the pros. With our proven weed control, we effectively eliminate both broadleaf and grassy weeds.

Our Convenient Lawncare Service in Corrales

When you choose our treatments, you don’t have to wait around during endless service windows. If you won’t be home during service, we’ll apply our treatments and leave you a record of service when we go.

We offer a complete range of comprehensive lawncare services to our neighbors located all over the area. Here are the communities we serve:

  • Corrales
  • Albuquerque
  • Rio Rancho
  • North Valley
  • North East Heights
  • Bernalillo County
  • And throughout the surrounding area

To get started with our lawncare service in Corrales, contact us today!