Weed Control in Wilmington, DE: How We Can Help

Close up of blades of grass showing weed control in Wilmington, DEWant a healthier, more beautiful lawn? You need to invest in weed control. When you do, you can keep these pesky plants out of your yard, all while maintaining its health and beauty. If you’re not sure where to begin, though, Lawn Doctor of Wilmington can help. With our weed control in the Wilmington, DE area we’re giving homeowners all they need to fight back against weeds and fend off future attacks. Here’s how our process works.

Weed Control for Wilmington, DE Lawns in 3 Easy Steps

Weeds can take a big toll on your lawn. As they populate your yard, they also absorb nutrients, light, water, and other essentials, so they’re no longer available for your grass. This leads to a weaker lawn that’s more susceptible to future issues. However, with Lawn Doctor of Wilmington’s Lawn Maintainer program, we can get the situation under control. This comprehensive program suppresses weeds, prevents them from re-occurring and keeps your yard on track toward healthier growth and better defenses. It includes:

Pre-emergent Control. Getting to weeds as they’re still developing and before they break through the surface will cut down on the numbers you see in your yard going forward.

Post-emergent Control. Weeds growing on the surface of the soil can be stubborn. But with our post-emergent weed control, we’ll treat them at key times of the Wilmington, DE area’s growing season, including a final fall application that reduces springtime populations.

Fertilization. A healthy, lush lawn can do wonders for weed control. It’s simply because it has stronger defenses and thicker blades that crowd out young weeds. We’ll help you achieve this with several carefully planned fertilization treatments, each packed full of vital nutrients and minerals that fuel growth.

Turf Tamer® Equipment: For Better Weed Control Coverage

When you hire Lawn Doctor of Wilmington, DE for weed control, you’ll get more than customized services, you’ll also have access to our exclusive Turf Tamer equipment. It’s designed with state-of-the-art technology, including a unique ground-metering system that measures out an optimal amount of product and evenly spreads it across every inch of your lawn. It’s thanks to this cutting edge equipment, plus our high-quality products and experienced team that we can guarantee our results.

Ready to learn more about weed control in Wilmington, DE? Call us today at (302) 656-4900 and set up a free weed control consultation with Lawn Doctor of Wilmington.