Spring Lawn Care in Wexford: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Wexford

Did you know that winter lawn care can help your yard bloom in the spring? As the weather gets colder in Wexford, grass growth begins to slow and your lawn requires more protection. By providing your turf with nurturing care over the winter, you’ll find that spring lawn care is easier than ever. At Lawn Doctor of Wexford-McCandless-Sewickley, our expert technicians offer a full range of lawn care services to assist homeowners with preparing their landscapes for beautiful growth in the spring season.

Our winter and spring lawn care services are available throughout the Wexford area, including nearby communities such as Gibsonia, Sewickley, Bethel Park, Upper St Clair, Mars, Cranberry Twp, and McCandless. Read on to learn about our top lawn care tips for the winter season.

Laying the Foundation for Successful Spring Lawn Care

In order to experience exceptional spring growth, your yard requires vital nutrients so that it can stay resistant to diseases and weeds all winter long. Here’s our recommended task list for keeping your lawn in top-notch condition as it goes through the upcoming seasonal changes:

  • Get aeration done before the first snowfall if possible. Allow our experts to aerate your lawn early to ensure that its grass root systems can access the nutrients, water, and oxygen they need this winter. Otherwise, your soil will likely become compacted.
  • Don’t skip winter fertilization. Fertilizing your yard in the winter supports nutrient storage and allows for more vibrant growth when the weather warms up. Fertilizer also helps keep your lawn resistant to diseases and fungus like snow mold.
  • Keep your yard clear of debris. Your lawn will be particularly delicate and vulnerable over the winter, meaning any pressure that is placed on it could cause significant damage. That’s why it’s key to go ahead and remove outdoor furniture, piles of leaves, and stray debris that could be stressing your turf or blocking sunlight.
  • Create a lawn care plan for the upcoming year. We offer ongoing lawn care services that keep your landscape looking its best from season to season. Our local experts will design a customized plan for your yard that tends to its unique needs and provides optimal protection during the winter that leads to beautiful spring growth.

For spring lawn care in Wexford, contact us today! In addition, our full range of lawn care services is available in neighboring towns like Bethel Park, Sewickley, Upper St Clair, Mars, McCandless, Cranberry Twp, and Gibsonia.