Are pesky weeds making your lawn care routine a headache? If you’re dealing with a weed infestation in Wexford, it may be time to get expert help with lawn weed control. At Lawn Doctor of Wexford-McCandless-Sewickley, our local lawn care experts have extensive experience battling different types of weeds and come prepared to create a customized lawn weed control plan for your yard. These services are available for homeowners throughout the Wexford area, including neighboring communities such as McCandless, Sewickley, Bethel Park, Mars, Upper St Clair, Cranberry Twp, and Gibsonia.
How Lawn Weed Control in Wexford Works
Whether you’re dealing with broadleaf weeds such as dandelion and wild violet, or grassy weeds like crabgrass, these pesky plants do more than affect the aesthetics of your landscape. They also soak up essential nutrients that your turf needs to grow lush, green, and healthy. In addition, they take up valuable soil space, crowding out your grass. Implementing a proper lawn weed control plan in Wexford can help ensure that you don’t end up with a weed infestation and the consequential damage that these plants can cause.
Since different weeds respond in various manners to lawn weed control treatments, it’s important to work with an experienced lawn care service such as Lawn Doctor of Wexford-McCandless-Sewickley that is familiar with a wide range of weed types and understands the changing patterns of the local climate. Depending on whether they are annual or perennial plants, weeds can take on different growing patterns. Annual weeds have a growing season that lasts for up to one year, while perennials take root in your turf and come back season after season. Proper identification is crucial in order to ensure that these plants are treated in the most effective manner.
After determining the types of weeds that are wreaking havoc on your lawn, we’ll construct a plan of action that could include a range of lawn weed control services. Lawn Doctor of Wexford-McCandless-Sewickley will get rid of perennial weeds that have gained a foothold in your yard in order to keep them from making a return. In addition, we’ll use pre-emergent formulas to kill weeds that have yet to take root. We also offer preventative services to decrease the chances that you’ll encounter another weed problem in the future.
Experience the difference that our lawn care experts can make for your landscape. Call Lawn Doctor of Wexford-McCandless-Sewickley at 412-275-4062 to get started with our lawn weed control services for Wexford, McCandless, Sewickley, Bethel Park, Mars, Upper St Clair, Cranberry Twp, Gibsonia, and the surrounding areas.