Spring Lawn Care in Orange County NY: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

New York winters can take a toll on local lawns. From snow and ice to freezing rains and frigid temperatures, your turf is up against a lot. The good news is that with help from Lawn Doctor of Orange County NY, we can ensure your grass has what it needs to stay strong today and return green and lush in the next growing season. To do that, here are some spring lawn care tips we’ve compiled for local Orange County NY-area homeowners to promote better growth and more beauty down the line.

What Lawn Care Steps You Can Take to Create a Strong Comeback in Spring

Grass essentially goes to sleep during Orange County NY’s winter. But that doesn’t mean you can completely ignore it. Instead, there are a few basic steps to take to ensure it’s not injured in the weeks and months ahead. This includes:

Salting sparingly. Too much salt can harm your grass. That’s why it’s important to salt carefully around the edges of your walkways and driveway and also avoid using an excessive amount that can get washed into your yard over time.

Minimizing traffic. Don’t walk or play on your grass too much during the winter season or drive vehicles over it. Energy is going down to the root system below, meaning the grass above is more brittle and weak, making it susceptible to breakage.

Clearing out your yard. When your grass doesn’t get enough air or sunlight, it creates conditions that are perfect for fungal infections. Therefore it is essential to clean up piles of wood, leaves, twigs, or branches that are covering your grass.

Cutting back dying branches. If your trees or shrubs are overgrown or branches are dying, now’s the time to prune them, when they’re dormant. This not only gets more sunlight to your lawn, but prevents them from causing a safety issue.

How Our Orange County NY Spring Lawn Care Experts Can Make a Difference in Your Yard

Another key step to take at this time of year is to consult with spring lawn care professionals, like those at Lawn Doctor of Orange County NY. When you do, we’ll evaluate your lawn and larger landscape plantings and then devise a plan that’s just right for them during the winter season and in the future. From treatments like weed control, fertilization, and disease prevention to annual care, we’ve got your property covered from root to tip!

For spring lawn care in Orange County NY, contact us today for a free consultation! Our spring lawn care is also offered in other nearby areas, including Monroe, Middletown, Washingtonville, Newburgh, Montgomery, and Warwick.