Lawn Weed Control in Orange County NY: Stop Invaders with a Treatment Plan

Close up of blades of grass showing lawn weed control in Orange County NYIs your yard being overrun by weeds? Are there a few stubborn varieties you keep seeing popping up each year? Are you tired of products that don’t deliver the results you want? Don’t get discouraged. Instead, homeowners like you across the Orange County NY area simply need one thing for more effective lawn weed control: a plan. With it, you should be focusing on:

  • Mowing. How you mow makes a big difference in the health of your lawn. Too short, and grass blades won’t be able to shade weed seeds and prevent them from developing. Instead, keep your lawn around three inches tall each time you cut.
  • Watering. Once your lawn needs regular watering, soak the soil to around four to six inches in depth. This will provide adequate hydration and still promote deep root growth. Shallow watering, on the other hand, causes roots to start developing too close to the soil’s surface.
  • Fertilizing. The right blend of nutrients is vital for the health of your yard, which is where fertilization comes in. Apply a slow-release product during the Orange County NY area’s spring season to jump-start growth and enable your lawn to better block out future lawn weeds.
  • Aerating. When you’re seeing standing water and weeds like moss developing, it indicates poor drainage and compacted soil. You can resolve the problem by aerating your lawn to loosen dense conditions and get water, as well as air and nutrients moving back down to roots.
  • Seeding. Bare spots and patchy areas are prime targets for opportunistic weeds. Build up turf density with lawn seeding. Just be don’t apply any pre-emergent lawn weed control products, which will damage developing grass, where you seed.

Orange County NY’s Lawn Weed Control Team: Leave the Work to Us!

In addition to the steps above, another important aspect of lawn weed control involves applying treatments in the right amounts and at the optimal times. This can get tricky since you have to know the species in your yard, as well as your lawn type. Rather than guess, reach out to the weed control team at Lawn Doctor of Orange County NY. We can handle all the pre- and post-emergent treatments needed, as well as fertilizing, seeding, aerating, and more, getting your turf on track for a beautiful season ahead.

Lawn Doctor of Orange County NY offers lawn weed control across many area communities, including Monroe, Middletown, Washingtonville, Newburgh, Montgomery, and Warwick. Call (845) 496-0582 today to learn more with a free consultation.