Tips for Grass Care in Monroe: What to Do Between Treatments

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Monroe

At Lawn Doctor of Orange County NY, we bring out the best in Monroe area lawns by utilizing comprehensive grass care solutions. However, there are certain threats and issues that can pop up between our treatments, which is why diligent maintenance is important. Below, we’ll walk you through a few regular upkeep tasks you can complete to keep your lawn healthy and safer from external threats between applications of our professional grass care treatments.

Grass Care Tips for a Healthier Lawn Between Treatments

There are many steps that can be taken between applications of our treatments to keep your lawn healthier. Let’s dive into some of the most important of these general lawn upkeep steps:

Watering your lawn is one of the most important parts of keeping it healthy, but it does require a bit of thought. Watering too late in the day or watering too shallow of a depth are common issues that can compromise your lawn’s ongoing health. To get more out of watering and prevent issues from popping up in your lawn between our visits, it’s best to water deeply and water early in the morning.

Mowing is another important task that many overlook the importance of. The length of your grass determines much more than just the appearance of your outdoor spaces. When you consistently cut your grass too short, you’re making it more convenient for weeds to move in and take root. Grass that’s too short also leads to weaker root systems, making your lawn more susceptible to drying out in the warmer months.

Mitigating external risk factors is also essential when it comes to maintaining a healthy lawn. One way you can do this is by creating a special area for your pets to do their business. Designating a “pet area” on your property can help you reduce the number of pet spots showing up on your grass, helping you maintain a tidier, greener lawn.

Flexible Grass Care for Monroe Area Homeowners

Working with us doesn’t mean being locked into a treatment plan. We can add or subtract services as necessary to work around your lawn’s needs as they change throughout the season. We’ll monitor your lawn’s health on an ongoing basis to suggest changes when they’re needed, helping you keep your grass healthier in the long run.

We provide top-notch grass care to our neighbors located throughout these areas:

  • Monroe
  • Orange County, NY
  • Middletown
  • Newburgh
  • Washingtonville
  • Montgomery
  • Warwick
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For grass care in Monroe, contact us today!