Spring Lawn Care in Rochester: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

extremely green grass from Lawn Doctor's Spring Lawn Care in Rochester.

Winter can be tough on your lawn. The dipping temperatures, shifts in precipitation, and reduced supply of everything your lawn needs to grow can spell disaster for your lawn if it’s not adequately prepared. Because of the threat of winter weather, helping your lawn recover in the spring requires a dedicated approach. There are a few tasks you can complete on your own in the winter, and for the rest you can count on the spring lawn care trusted by homeowners in the Rochester, Chili, Fairport, Greece, Hilton, Penfield, Pittsford, Monroe County, and Webster, NY areas.

How to Get a Head Start on Spring Lawn Care

There are several different ways to prepare your lawn for winter weather and prime it for growth when warmer weather returns. Here is a quick overview of just a couple of the steps you can take to get a head start on spring lawn care:

Fertilization & Aeration. Your lawn’s root systems require certain elements to sustain ongoing life, with oxygen and a steady stream of nutrients being among the most important of these elements. Winter weather results in a shorter supply of these elements, which is why supplementing them is crucial. Enlisting the help of proven fertilization and aeration services will replenish your lawn, help it sustain itself through the winter, and allow it to support new growth in the spring.

Clearing Away Debris. Not every lawn maintenance process involves technical procedures. One of the easiest ways to help your lawn survive the transition from winter to spring is to simply keep it clear of debris. Stray branches, leaf litter, and other obstructions can prevent your grass from getting the sunlight and moisture it needs to stay healthy while also creating breeding grounds for invasive species of pests. Keeping your lawn tidy can go a long way towards helping it stay alive and kicking through seasonal transitions.

Our Hassle-Free Spring Lawn Care in Rochester

Helping your lawn survive the winter and spark new growth as the temperatures rise doesn’t have to be a pain. With our convenient applications, you can have a great-looking lawn without the hassle. We’re able to apply our treatments whether you’re home or not, giving you more flexibility with your schedule.

To learn more about spring lawn care in Rochester, contact us today! We deliver premium spring lawn care solutions to homeowners throughout Rochester, Chili, Fairport, Greece, Hilton, Penfield, Pittsford, Webster, Monroe County, and the surrounding communities.