Customizable Lawn Treatments in Rochester Keep Your Lawn Picture Perfect

extremely green grass photo fills entire frame showing lawn treatment in RochesterBecause of the different set of characteristics that are unique to each lawn, one-size-fits-all lawn treatments often fail to produce dependable results. To address your lawn’s distinct imbalances, plant populations, pest populations, and other qualities, custom-tailored treatments are essential. At Lawn Doctor of Rochester, we bring our neighboring home and business owners great-looking lawns through the year by implementing customized lawn services that utilize some of the most advanced tools and techniques that the industry has to offer. With our premium, customizable lawn treatments, we boost the health and appearance of lawns all over the Rochester, Chili, Fairport, Greece, Hilton, Penfield, Pittsford, Webster, and Monroe County, NY areas.

Our Lawn Treatment Programs in Rochester

Addressing all of the different factors of your lawn’s health can sometimes require a long list of separate processes. To ensure that all of your yard’s needs are met, our team offers a complete range of treatment programs to choose from. Here are a few of the lawn treatments our technicians utilize to keep Rochester lawns green and healthy through the seasons:

Lawn Maintainer. Controlling your lawn’s weed populations and nutrient levels are some of the most important processes involved in keeping your grass green and looking its best throughout the year. We take care of these essential needs with our Lawn Maintainer program. Lawn Maintainer is our premium ongoing lawn care program that combines our fertilization treatments with both grassy and broadleaf weed control treatments for complete coverage and great-looking lawns.

Yard Armour®. Once ticks and mosquitoes infiltrate your yard, getting them out is often a difficult task. With our multi-step Yard Armour pest control system, we keep area lawns free of invasive pests in the long run. We tailor our services around your yard’s populations of these insects, as well as its unique set of risk factors to prevent your home’s outdoor areas from becoming infested with insects later on in the year.

Commercial Lawn Services. To keep the outdoor areas of local businesses green and healthy throughout the year, we offer a complete range of commercial treatment options. We understand the needs of local business and commercial property owners, which is why our technicians will craft your commercial treatment program from the ground up to maximize both convenience and results.

Call Lawn Doctor of Rochester today at (585) 338-1520 to learn more about the premium lawn treatments we offer to local home and business owners in Rochester, and their neighbors in Chili, Fairport, Greece, Hilton, Penfield, Pittsford, Webster, and Monroe County.