Residential Lawn Care in Trumbull: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Trumbull

When it comes to maintaining a healthy lawn, there’s a lot of information out there. And whether this information is coming from your neighbors or your family members, it’s not always easy to tell what’s dependable advice and what isn’t. This is an issue because putting some common lawn care myths into action can be detrimental to your lawn’s overall health and development. To help you set the record straight, we’ll look at some of the most common myths regarding residential lawn care in the Trumbull, CT area below.

Common Residential Lawn Care Myths

Several lawn care myths are out there. Here are a few of the most common myths to stop believing:

Watering your lawn at night is the most effective. Along with not being the most effective time of day to water your yard, the evening is actually a risky time to water. When you water at night, the water is allowed to sit on the grass for far too long before evaporating, leading to mildew and other lawn diseases. To safely hydrate your yard, it’s best to water early in the morning.

Pulling weeds by hand is the best way to fight them. Pulling weeds by hand comes with a key disadvantage: fragments of the weed are often left behind. And when this happens, weeds can quickly regenerate and continue growing. To fight weeds effectively, our team uses advanced weed control products that eliminate every part of the plant.

Fertilizing your yard is only necessary once or twice per year. To maintain the balance of nutrients needed to sustain continuous grass growth, one or two fertilizer applications per year is simply not enough. For a lawn that stays healthy through the seasons, it’s best to fertilize 4-6 times per year.

Our Comprehensive Residential Lawn Care in Trumbull

At Lawn Doctor of Greater Oxford, we take a proven approach to lawn care and take the uncertainty out of the process. With our cutting-edge tools, our advanced products, and our time-tested treatments, we’ll bring out the best in your yard and keep it looking great through the seasons.

We offer proven residential lawn care to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Trumbull
  • Oxford
  • Newtown
  • Cheshire
  • Milford
  • New Haven
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For residential lawn care in Trumbull, contact us today!