Lawn Care in Madison: Terms You Should Know

extremely green grass photo fills entire frame for lawn care in MadisonThere are many lawn care terms throughout our site that homeowners in and around the Madison, MS area might not be familiar with. Below is a look at a few of the common ones and what they mean, so you have a better understanding of what Lawn Doctor of Brandon-Madison-Ridgeland does and how we can help your lawn:

Broadleaf weeds: Broadleaf weeds are those that do not resemble grass and instead have flat, broad leaves with a distinct network of veins. Examples include plantain, dandelions, and chickweed.

Fertilization: The act of distributing key nutrients into the soil in order to promote healthy growth and color, along with better resistance to pests, weeds, and diseases.

Foundation plantings: Those larger plantings, including trees and shrubs, found around your home’s foundation in landscape beds.

pH level: The measure of the acidity or alkalinity of soil. A neutral value is 7.0, with the optimal range for lawns being between 6.0 and 7.0.

Lime: An amendment added to the soil to help raise the soil pH level when conditions are too acidic. This, in turn, creates better growing conditions for lawns.

Grassy weeds: Weeds, such as crabgrass, that look and act like grass, but also compete with your lawn for key nutrients, causing damage to health and appearance.

Grubs: Small, white, C-shaped larvae that feed on grass roots. You can tell you have them if you’re able to roll back areas of your lawn due to a lack of roots, or if small animals, like birds and raccoons that feed on grubs, are suddenly scavenging in your lawn.

Moles: Small mammals that dig tunnels throughout your lawn, leaving a damaging trail on the surface and harming your lawn’s root system down below.

Lawn Doctor of Brandon-Madison-Ridgeland: Learn More from Our Local Lawn Care Team Today

You can handle fertilizing, weed control, and other similar jobs on your own. Or you can call in the trusted lawn care team at Lawn Doctor of Brandon-Madison-Ridgeland. We offer a full spectrum of solutions, from pH balancing and fertilization to tree and shrub care, to get your lawn and landscape into great shape. In all that we do, we use industry-leading equipment, premium-blended materials, and time-tested techniques that are known to deliver. Best of all, you can get more downtime and a professional-looking yard, with services backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Lawn Doctor of Brandon-Madison-Ridgeland is the proven provider of lawn care across Madison, Brandon, Ridgeland, Flowood, and in other nearby neighborhoods. Find out for yourself why by calling (601) 829-0044 to schedule a free consultation.