Lawn Care Services in Madison: Fertilization 101

extremely green grass photo fills entire frame showing lawn care services in MadisonFertilization gives your lawn the good stuff it needs during the growing season to stay strong and healthy. Likewise, it helps your grass quickly recover and rebuild after harsh conditions, like winter weather, as well as gain the upper hand against weeds and diseases. But if you’re guessing at what to apply and when, then you could wind up damaging your lawn instead. As local lawn care service professionals in Madison, MS, we see it all the time. To help you avoid common missteps and miscalculations, make sure you:

  • Check soil pH. Imbalanced soil means nutrients aren’t available for uptake by grass roots. So no matter how much fertilizer you apply, it won’t contribute to a strong, healthy lawn. That’s why you should test your soil and amend it if needed before you fertilize.
  • Use the right products. A soil test can also tell you another important piece of information: nutrient content. With this information, you’ll know more precisely what your lawn is missing and which nutrients it needs for better growth and color.
  • Apply fertilizer in the proper amounts. Follow the instructions on the package exactly. If you don’t, you could wind up with fertilizer burns in your lawn or weak results if not enough is applied.
  • Time applications correctly. If it’s a time of year when your lawn is dormant, you can actually end up damaging it by fertilizing. This will cause it to come out of dormancy, making it vulnerable to stressful climate conditions. Instead, know your lawn type and grass species to ensure you’re fertilizing at the right point during the growing season.
  • Water your lawn. Both before and after you fertilize, make sure you water your lawn. Soil that’s well-hydrated will better absorb nutrients.

Madison’s Source for Fertilization and Lawn Care Services: Get Started Today 

Grasses need nitrogen, potassium, and other nutrients during the active growing season in a steady, even supply. Regular fertilization is the best way to deliver it. But if you don’t have the time in your busy schedule to perform the work, the lawn care service professionals at Lawn Doctor of Brandon-Madison-Ridgeland can help. We’ll build out a custom fertilization plan designed with regular treatment applications during the growing season. You never have to be home; all you have to do is expect beautiful results.

Our fertilization and other lawn care services are available across Madison as well as in many surrounding communities, such as Brandon, Ridgeland, and Flowood. Call us today at (601) 829-0044 to find out more or get started with a no-cost consultation.