Fall Lawn Care in Little Rock: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in backgroundWant a more successful lawn next spring? Don’t wait until then to get to work. In fact, the moves you make now, during autumn, play a starring role in the health and beauty of your grass during the next growing season. So rather than cutting back, you should be ramping up efforts. But where do you begin? Lawn Doctor of Little Rock has the answers you need. As fall lawn care experts in the Little Rock, AR area, we know that by following these steps, you’ll reap dazzling rewards:

Fertilize and fuel healthy root development. Your lawn gets hit with a lot of stress throughout summer. Help it recover and prepare for adverse conditions ahead with a nutrient-rich fertilizer application. This will give roots that are still developing through winter plenty of fuel to survive the season and thrive come spring.

Get a handle on future weeds. When it comes to frustrating weeds, treat them before they even make an appearance with a pre-emergent product. This can be applied in the fall to suppress the development process, so weeds can’t gain a foothold next spring.

Continue with watering and mowing. Dropping temperatures during the Little Rock area’s fall aren’t a sign that it’s time to stop lawn care tasks, like mowing or watering. Continue to cut grass routinely, making sure to keep it around 1.5 inches tall. Also water if it’s not getting an inch and half a week.

Care for trees and shrubs. Prune back dead branches or dying areas on your larger landscape plantings. This will ensure they’re as strong as possible heading into Little Rock’s winter. Also give them a good dose of fertilizer before dormancy hits.

Let Little Rock’s Fall Lawn Care Team Help

To achieve the best results in the spring ahead, you need to take the right steps and time them correctly. Get help with the job this fall from the lawn care experts at Lawn Doctor of Little Rock. We know when and how to treat local turf grass at this time of year. While you mow, water, and prune, we can perform many other key services that will ensure your grass takes advantage of the season for a beautiful pay-off next spring.

Ready to learn more? Get started today by calling Lawn Doctor of Little Rock at (501) 455-4800 for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care in the Little Rock, AR area.