Spring Lawn Care in Lexington: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Lexington

Keeping your lawn healthy through the seasons requires ongoing maintenance. The transition from winter to spring can be one of the toughest of the year, and it takes a dedicated effort and treatment strategy to ensure that your lawn has what it needs to thrive once the temperatures start to rise. At Lawn Doctor of Lexington-Nicholasville-Georgetown-Richmond, we implement proven spring lawn care strategies to give a healthy boost to lawns throughout the Lexington, Nicholasville, Georgetown, and Richmond, KY areas.

How to Get a Head Start on Spring Lawn Care in Lexington

There is a long list of different maintenance tasks you can complete through late autumn and early winter to give your lawn a head start in the spring. Here is a closer look at just a few of the ways you can set your lawn up for consistent growth in the spring:

Fertilization & Aeration

Lawns can be needy. Two of the things they need the most are nutrients and oxygen, and they need these things even more during seasonal transitions. Effective fertilization and aeration treatments will make sure your lawn’s root systems have all of the nutrients and oxygen they need to support healthy growth in the spring.

General Lawn Cleanliness

A simple, yet often-overlooked way of keeping your lawn healthy is simply by keeping it tidy and presentable. Loose leaf litter, stray branches, and other obstructions can provide breeding grounds and shelter for insects while also covering your grass and preventing it from getting the sunlight and rain it needs to stay healthy. Keeping your lawn free of clutter can go a long way towards keeping it looking great through the seasons.

Preventative Weed Control

Although many species of weeds tend to pop up in the spring, there are several species that can arrive at the end of fall and persist in a dormant state through the winter months. These dormant weeds can surface again in the spring, adding to the population that needs to be addressed. Dealing with these pesky weeds before winter is in full swing can drastically reduce the amount of weeds you’ll have to address once warmer weather arrives.

To learn more about our spring lawn care in Lexington, contact Lawn Doctor of Lexington-Nicholasville-Georgetown-Richmond today! We offer cutting-edge spring lawn care programs to our neighbors throughout Lexington, Nicholasville, Georgetown, Richmond, and the surrounding communities.