Lawn Care Services in Lexington: Fertilization 101

extremely green grass photo fills entire frame showing lawn care services in LexingtonAre drought and heat taking their toll on your yard? Are you noticing signs of disease? Does grass look discolored and weak? As local lawn care service experts in the Lexington area, we know these can all be signs of a nutrient deficiency. Like people, grass needs access to a range of key nutrients. Without them, poor growth, color, and increased vulnerability to pests, weeds, and diseases results. Fertilization, however, provides a simple solution.

Lawn Care Services: Getting Fertilization Right in Lexington 

When it comes to lawn care fertilization services, there are many different factors for homeowners to consider before getting to work. And a little bit of planning ahead of time will go a long way in maximizing the effectiveness of applications. For instance, before you begin, ask yourself:

  • What’s the soil like? If the soil is compacted or pH levels are off, then these are going to stop nutrients from getting absorbed into the root zone. That’s why it’s important to first check for signs of compaction and test the soil’s pH. A healthy range will be between 6.0 and 7.0.
  • What is my lawn type? Lawns are either cool- or warm-season. Warm-season grasses include Centipede, Bermuda, Saint Augustine, and Zoysia. Cool-season grasses are those such as Tall and Fine Fescue, Rye, and Kentucky Bluegrass. Your lawn type will dictate when you fertilize, which is why it’s important to know. At Lawn Doctor of Lexington-Nicholasville-Georgetown-Richmond, we recommend lawn care fertilization services for cool-season lawns in early spring, later summer, and during fall. Warm-season grasses can also be fertilized at those times, as well as at the end of spring or in the beginning of summer.
  • When did I last fertilize? If you just fertilized a few weeks ago, hold off on your next application. You should leave at least six weeks in between each one. Otherwise, you could risk injury to your turf by over-feeding it.
  • Is the soil well-hydrated? Before you fertilize, it’s important to make sure your soil is moist. If it’s too dry, then materials won’t get absorbed. Likewise, be sure to water after you fertilize, too, to further soak nutrients into the soil.

If you’d prefer to leave the job to trained experts rather than taking a DIY approach, give Lawn Doctor of Lexington-Nicholasville-Georgetown-Richmond a call at (859) 699-1999 for a free consultation. We’re known throughout Lexington, Nicholasville, Georgetown, Richmond, and the surrounding KY communities for a variety of proven lawn care services.