Weed Control in Kingston: How We Can Help

Close up of blades of grass showing weed control in KingstonWeeds are opportunistic and will take advantage of even the tiniest weakness in your yard. That’s why you have to be aggressive and proactive, and where Lawn Doctor of Kingston, Poughkeepsie & Hudson can help. We offer weed control in Kingston, NY that not only treats weeds on the surface and sub-surface levels, but also improves turf health. This keeps grass growing thicker and stronger with better defenses. Here’s how it works.

Weed Control for Kingston Lawns in 3 Easy Steps

Weeds are tough to gain a handle on for the simple fact that no one product tames them all. Instead, you need comprehensive weed control, which is where Lawn Doctor of Kingston, Poughkeepsie & Hudson’s Lawn Maintainer program comes in. With it, we offer an easy and affordable way to get a lawn that’s more beautiful without spreading weeds. It provides a series of applications that include:

Pre-emergent Crabgrass Control. When you want to cut out Crabgrass from your lawn, prevention is important. With our pre-emergent control, we’ll treat those Crabgrass Seeds as they’re still developing underground, so they don’t get a chance to break through the surface and make a home in your yard. This will greatly reduce the numbers you see.

Post-emergent Weed Control. Whether you’ve got grassy, perennial, broadleaf, or annual weeds, our control treatments are customized around the specific species you have, providing powerful suppression. We’ll deliver several applications during the growing season, including a final one in the fall to stop springtime weeds from emerging.

Lawn Fertilization. Getting weeds out of your lawn also requires that your grass is healthy and strong. We can get it into the best shape possible with our fertilization applications. These are custom-blended, nutrient-rich, and slow-release, all combining to keep turf nourished with key essentials over the course of many weeks.

Turf Tamer® Equipment: For Better Weed Control Coverage

Not only does Lawn Doctor of Kingston, Poughkeepsie & Hudson offer comprehensive control for weeds, but also better coverage of our products, too. In fact, our Turf Tamer equipment ensures every square inch of your lawn is protected – quickly and consistently – thanks to its unique ground-metering system and powerful 16-horsepower engine. This produces more even growth and a more beautiful lawn, guaranteed.

Ready to learn more? Contact Lawn Doctor of Kingston, Poughkeepsie & Hudson NY at (845) 339-6788 and set up a free consultation for weed control in Kingston.