Residential Lawn Care in Kingston: 4 Lawn Terms You Should Know

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Kingston

Like many other industries, lawn care has its own unique terminology that’s used to describe risk factors, services, solutions, precautions, and more. To better understand your lawn, it’s essential to be familiar with at least some of this terminology. We’ll take a look at some must-know terms below, what these terms mean, and how they fit into residential lawn care in the Kingston, NY area.

Essential Lawn Care Terms

There are several essential terms our team at Lawn Doctor of Kingston, Poughkeepsie & Hudson uses to diagnose and treat your yard. Let’s take a quick look at some of this language to get you up to speed:

1. Aeration

Compression builds under the surface of local lawns over time, due to the weather, machine use, foot traffic, and several other reasons. To keep your lawn healthy, it’s important to break apart this compacted soil. This gives your roots space to grow while also helping nutrients and water more effectively reach your root systems. Breaking apart this compacted soil is called “aeration,” and it can be done either with machinery or with handheld tools.

2. Anaerobic

Oxygen is essential for your lawn’s overall development. However, several issues can make it difficult for oxygen to reach your lawn’s root systems, leading to health problems. Lawns that aren’t getting enough oxygen are referred to as “anaerobic,” meaning “without oxygen.”

3. Pre-Emergent

Our team addresses a wide range of grassy weeds when we apply our comprehensive Crabgrass control treatments. For instance, our “pre-emergent” treatments address grassy weeds that are still underground and haven’t yet emerged on the surface of your lawn.

4. Post-Emergent

Our weed control treatments also eliminate weeds that have already popped up in your lawn, or “post-emergent” weeds. These weeds can spread quickly, which is why effectively managing them is so important.

Our Residential Lawn Care in Kingston

Working with us means getting comprehensive residential lawn care solutions designed around your specific needs. We’ll be with you every step of the way to make any necessary changes and answer any questions you may have regarding our service, terminology, or how we keep your lawn looking its best.

We offer top-notch residential lawn care to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Kingston
  • Ulster
  • Columbia
  • Poughkeepsie-Hyde Park
  • Ulster County
  • Columbia County
  • Greene County
  • NW Dutchess County
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For residential lawn care in Kingston, contact us today!