Lawn Maintenance in Columbia: Tips for Thicker Growth

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Maintenance in Columbia

One of the clearest signs of a well-maintained lawn is a thick covering of grass. However, there’s a long list of different factors that can impede the development of your yard and make thick, green grass more difficult to achieve. Addressing these factors and working around them on your own is possible, but it can be tough to keep up when you’re caring for your yard on your own. For thicker grass without the headaches of DIY lawn maintenance, turn to our team of lawn care experts in Columbia. Below, we’ll look at a few tips for growing thicker grass and how our team can help you act on those tips.

Top Tips for Growing Thick Grass

A lot goes into achieving and maintaining a yard full of thick, healthy grass. Here are a few tips for weed control and how our team can help you put them into action:

Effective Fertilization. One of the most important parts of achieving and maintaining a yard covered in thick grass is effective fertilization. Phosphorous is the nutrient most directly responsible for the development of healthy grass, but it needs to be applied in precise ratios with nitrogen and the other nutrients your yard needs to thrive. That’s where our custom-tailored fertilization treatments come in.

Fighting Weeds. Another key tip for achieving and maintaining thicker grass is to keep weeds at bay. Weeds, along with negatively impacting the appearance of your lawn, take resources like nutrients and water away from your grass. But weeds can be tough to fight alone. With our comprehensive weed control treatments, we’ll eliminate these invasive plants and prevent them from holding your lawn’s health back.

Regular Aeration. Another factor that can hold your lawn back from producing thick grass is compacted soil. But DIY aeration often takes a lot of effort for little relief. Our professional core aeration treatments break compacted soil apart in no time, bringing you fast relief from underground compression and restoring the healthy circulation of nutrients under your lawn’s surface.

Our Professional Lawn Maintenance in Columbia

Working with our team at Lawn Doctor of Kingston, Poughkeepsie & Hudson means working with local lawn care experts. With our in-depth industry expertise and our cutting-edge products, we’ll bring you results you can depend on with every treatment.

We use proven lawn maintenance to bring thicker grass to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Columbia
  • Kingston
  • Ulster
  • Poughkeepsie-Hyde Park
  • Ulster County
  • Columbia County
  • Greene County
  • NW Dutchess County
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

If you want a better looking yard, turn to our professional lawn maintenance in Columbia. Contact us today to learn more!