Tips for Grass Care in Dyer: What to Do Between Treatments

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Dyer

When you choose professional grass care in Dyer, Griffith, and other nearby areas in Northwest Indiana, you want to maintain the results. But how do you do that between service visits? Here are a few tips to remember from Lawn Doctor of West Lake County to help you keep your yard in great shape:

  • Keep cars off your lawn. If you park cars on your lawn or leave heavy equipment on it routinely, this will damage it over time. Any leaks from a vehicle, like oil or gasoline, can soak into the soil. If the ground is soft, tires will leave marks behind and cause compaction in those areas, creating ugly ruts that put pressure on the root system below.
  • Train your dog to go in one spot. When your pet is killing off areas on your lawn, it’s time to take action. Create a private, hidden area for your dog to go. You can even put down some mulch or gravel. This will help to avoid the high level of nitrogen in your dog’s urine that is damaging your grass.
  • Follow watering best practices. Water in the early morning, so moisture doesn’t evaporate like it would during the day. If you water at night, on the other hand, moisture will remain on grass blades for longer, potentially spreading infections. When you water, also do so deeply and infrequently. Shallow watering creates a shallow root system and a weaker lawn.
  • Mow your lawn correctly. Keep your lawn mower blades sharp and cut off only around 1/3 of the height with each mow. During the summer season, heat and drought make your lawn more fragile. Keeping it longer will provide extra shade for the root system and prevent weed seeds from germinating.

Grass Care Help You Can Trust from Our Team in Dyer

If you notice any lawn problems between service visits, Lawn Doctor of West Lake County is always a call away. We do more than provide fertilization and weed control in Dyer, Griffith, and nearby areas in Northwest Indiana. We also offer helpful grass care tips and advice, so you can always maintain your lawn beautifully.

Together, we’ll ensure your grass is lush and green, whether you live in:

  • Dyer
  • Griffith
  • Saint John
  • Crown Point
  • Munster
  • Schererville
  • Or another nearby area in Northwest Indiana

Contact us today to find out more about our grass care in Dyer, IN.