Grub Control in Egg Harbor Township: A Homeowner’s Guide

Grub Control in Egg Harbor Township

As a homeowner, you may be familiar with the countless pests that can affect your home and lawn. While grubs can be one of the most difficult pests to detect, they can cause noticeable damage to your lawn. With our grub control in Egg Harbor Township, you can remove grubs from your yard and prevent them from coming back. Our team at Lawn Doctor of Atlantic City is knowledgeable about pest control and helping you achieve a healthy lawn.

Grubs are tiny white insects that are the immature larvae of beetles. Beetles bury their eggs beneath the soil surface during spring. Once the eggs hatch, the grubs will begin to feed on your lawn’s root system, causing damage. Now is the perfect time to target grubs and prevent them from harming your lawn.

Because grubs typically harm your grass from beneath the surface, they can be hard to detect. Here are four signs that may indicate a grub problem:

  • Seeing grubs in your yard, although this may be a rare occurrence
  • Unusually soft and spongy areas
  • Irregular dead patches with brown or wilted grass
  • Small holes where skunks or raccoons have dug for grubs

Trusted Grub Control in Egg Harbor Township

Our grub control services include treatments to eradicate grubs from your lawn and preventative care. To banish the grubs from your lawn, we will apply a pesticide that works as a grub killer. It will greatly reduce, if not eliminate, the grub population in your yard. This product also targets grubs in the roots of your grass, which immediately stops them from causing further damage.

Brown patches and spongy areas in your lawn are undesirable. Once your yard is free of grubs, our team at Lawn Doctor of Atlantic City can help you repair the damage they caused. We offer fertilization, aeration, and power seeding services to help you grow lush, healthy grass.

Get Started with Lawn Doctor of Atlantic City

Our team at Lawn Doctor of Atlantic City is here to help you achieve your ideal lawn. With our knowledge of local lawn issues, including grub infestations, we can meet your lawn’s needs and encourage healthy grass growth. If you are located in one of the following areas, consider our grub control to banish these pests from your lawn:

  • Egg Harbor Township
  • Mays Landing
  • Atlantic County
  • Galloway
  • Linwood
  • Hammonton
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Contact us and schedule your free lawn evaluation to get started with our lawn care services. One of our local lawn experts will be happy to visit your home and evaluate your lawn. We can discuss any issues you may be having and how our services can help.

For grub control in Egg Harbor Township,contact us today!