Your Winter Guide to Lawn Maintenance in Gaithersburg

Lawn Doctor expert providing Lawn Maintenance in Gaithersburg

The most wonderful time of the year can be stressful for your lawn. The good news is with the right steps, you can prepare it. Let Lawn Doctor of Montgomery County help with the job. We offer lawn maintenance advice, along with treatment plans tailor-made around your yard and the Gaithersburg, Maryland area’s unique growing conditions. We’ll get it into better shape with increased cold tolerance and stronger defenses, so it withstands the season without stress or damage.

Lawn Maintenance Steps to Help Winterize Your Turf

Once the cold weather arrives, your grass will stop growing and go dormant. However, diseases, pests and other potential problems are still active. Protect your turf before winter with a few lawn maintenance best practices. These include:

  • Continuing to cut your lawn. Your grass will head into dormancy with the first hard freeze. Before that happens, keep up on cutting, making the final one a little shorter. Ideally, grass should be around 2 to 2½ inches high. This is long enough to prevent stress, yet short enough to stop mold and bacteria from settling in.
  • Keeping your yard clean. Moisture is a problem for lawns in the autumn season. Keep it at bay by cleaning up and clearing off your yard. This means raking up leaves, removing toys and wood piles, and getting rid of fallen branches. If they’re left behind over winter, they’ll create dark, wet conditions that diseases thrive in.
  • Stopping weeds from competing. If weeds are still a nuisance, spot treat or hand pull them out. For those seeds in the soil, now’s also a good time to apply a pre-emergent product. This will disrupt the germination process, preventing seeds from maturing into full-grown plants in spring.

Serving Gaithersburg with Lawn Maintenance Tips & Treatments

The cold weather months can put a strain on your lawn if you’re not careful. That’s where Lawn Doctor of Montgomery County can help. We’ll assess your yard, identify its unique traits and trouble spots, and personalize a plan around it all. We’ll also educate you on best maintenance practices for lawn types common in the Gaithersburg area. Together, we’ll ensure your grass can survive the wintry weather ahead and return to life, lush and green, next spring.

Lawn Doctor of Montgomery County is proud to be the trusted team for care and maintenance across:

  • Gaithersburg, MD
  • Bethesda, MD
  • Potomac, MD
  • Montgomery County, MD
  • Great Falls, VA
  • Reston, VA
  • McLean, VA
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

Get your yard in great shape for winter with lawn maintenance from Gaithersburg, MD’s experts. Contact us to learn more!