Lawn Maintenance in Irmo

lawn care columbia expert with clipboard stoops down to provide Lawn Maintenance in Irmo

A comprehensive approach to lawn care is important during every season. However, fall lawn care carries a bit more weight since it also determines your lawn’s health through the colder months and into spring. By working with our team at Lawn Doctor of Columbia-Lexington-West Columbia, you can skip the headaches of DIY lawn care and get more dependable results in the process. We utilize proven lawn maintenance strategies to give Irmo, SC lawns a lasting health boost during this important time of the year.

Fall Lawn Maintenance Tips for a Healthier Yard

When the temperatures start to dip and leaves begin to fall, there are certain lawn treatments that become more important than others. Here are a few of the essential fall lawn maintenance services we recommend to our neighbors to help them prepare their lawns for the colder months and get a head start in the spring:

Controlling Weeds

With warmer weather comes a fresh crop of weeds. However, some weeds can lie dormant through the winter and pop up again once temperatures rise, adding to the problem. Getting weeds under control in the fall makes less work for you in the spring, helping you get back to enjoying your lawn faster.

Restoring Nutrient Levels

After supporting your lawn all summer, your lawn’s nutrient levels can start to dip. If they dip too low, your lawn’s health can suffer. Our fertilization treatments effectively replace these nutrients to give your soil the sustenance it needs to support your lawn in the coming months and help it bounce back in the spring.

Aerating Your Soil

Foot traffic on your lawn in the summer can lead to compacted soil in the fall. Compacted soil can cause issues like blocking water and nutrients from reaching your root systems, which can cause a whole other set of problems. Our aeration treatments recirculate soil, breaking it up and allowing water and nutrients to freely reach roots.

The Benefits of Choosing Our Lawn Maintenance in Irmo

When you work with our team at Lawn Doctor of Columbia-Lexington-West Columbia, you’ll get a great-looking lawn without the hassle. Not only do we take the headaches out of lawn care with our flexible scheduling, but we also provide top-notch results by utilizing cutting-edge products and equipment.

We offer our premium fall lawn maintenance solutions to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Irmo
  • Columbia
  • Lexington
  • Chapin
  • West Columbia
  • Florence
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

To get started with our lawn maintenance in Irmo, contact us today!