Lawn Weed Control Treatment Plans in Chardon Stop Lawn Invaders

Close up of blades of grass showing lawn weed control in ChardonKeeping your lawn clear of invasive weeds can be a demanding job. There is a countless number of different species of weeds and each comes with its own distinct characteristics and germination schedules, making accomplishing a weed-free lawn a constant struggle for any homeowner. At Lawn Doctor of Chardon, we help our neighbors escape the burden of weed control by offering a comprehensive selection of services designed to effectively fight weeds and keep them out in the long run. With our professional lawn weed control solutions, we bring healthy, weed-free lawns to homeowners all over the Chardon, Chesterland, Gates Mills, Kirtland, Mentor, Painesville, Bainbridge, and Willoughby, OH areas.

How We Control Weeds in Chardon Lawns

Invasive lawn weeds can take many different forms, which is generally where store-bought weed control products fall flat. Many conventional weed control products take a one-size-fits-all approach to driving out weeds, which can leave many individual species unaddressed and free to take over your lawn. With our comprehensive approach to weed control, we’ll address all weeds in your lawn for superior results and longer-lasting relief. There are many different lawn weeds, but they can be broken down into two distinct categories:

Broadleaf Weeds

Characterized by their bulky leaves, these weeds can pose a challenge to many homeowners because of their resilient composition. It takes tough products to drive out broadleaf weeds, and unfortunately, many of those products can also harm your lawn when improperly applied. With our precision-driven broadleaf weed control treatments, we effectively eradicate these weeds without risking the health of your grass and other lawn plants. Here are just a few of the many common broadleaf weeds our treatments address:

  • Dandelion
  • Ground Ivy
  • Wild Violets
  • Clover

Grassy Weeds

Grassy weeds often develop underground stems, which can be hard to reach with conventional treatments. These underground stems allow grassy weeds to keep regenerating throughout the year if the upper plant parts are damaged, turning them into a long-term problem. With our pre-emergent weed control treatments, our technicians target grassy weeds at their stems for complete removal and lasting relief. There are several common grassy weeds we address with these treatments. These are some of the most common:

  • Ryegrass
  • Crabgrass
  • Goosegrass
  • Doveweed

If you’re noticing any of the above weeds in your lawn, our lawn experts can help eliminate them with our lawn weed control techniques and products, keeping weeds at bay year-round.

Call Lawn Doctor of Chardon today at (440) 241-9703 to learn more about the premium lawn weed control services we provide to local homeowners in Chardon, Chesterland, Gates Mills, Kirtland, Mentor, Painesville, Bainbridge, Willoughby, and the surrounding communities.