Lawn Maintenance in Kinnelon

Lawn Doctor expert with clipboard stoops down to check his lawn care services in Wayne

A great-looking lawn takes a dedicated approach to keep healthy and growing from season to season. The best way to care for your lawn is with one of the comprehensive lawn care programs we offer at Lawn Doctor of Wayne and Northern New Jersey. However, there are a handful of general tips that are either often performed wrong or overlooked, leading to a lawn that’s not as healthy as it could be. Below, we’ll take a look at some quick lawn maintenance tips we recommend to our neighbors in the Kinnelon, NJ area to keep their lawns looking better over time.

Quick Lawn Maintenance Tips to Keep Kinnelon Lawns Looking Great

Your lawn’s day-to-day upkeep involves several general processes. Getting these processes right is a crucial part of bringing out the best in your yard and keeping it looking great in the long run. Here’s a quick look at a few of these processes and some tips on how to get them right:

Regularly Aerate Your Lawn. Regular lawn aeration is an important part of keeping your lawn healthy. One of the best times to aerate your yard is prior to fertilization treatments. By aerating your lawn prior to fertilization, the nutrients from fertilization products will be able to reach your root systems more effectively.

Mow to the Right Length. Mowing grass too short is an extremely common issue that pops up in DIY lawn maintenance. When you mow too short, your grass can yellow and become more susceptible to a long list of lawn diseases. For the best results, cool season grasses should be mowed to 2-4 inches and warm season grasses should be mowed to 1.5-3 inches.

Water Effectively

Watering your yard effectively is a crucial part of keeping it healthy and producing consistent grass growth. By watering your yard 6-8 inches deep, you’ll be giving it the hydration it needs to look its best.

Our Guaranteed Lawn Maintenance for Area Residents

For the more involved steps of lawn care and a comprehensive treatment plan, call in our team at Lawn Doctor of Wayne and Northern New Jersey. In addition to applying our treatments with cutting-edge products, we protect them with one of the strongest guarantees around. With guaranteed service, you can have top-notch results without the uncertainty and risk that comes with DIY lawn maintenance.

We offer guaranteed lawn maintenance to our neighbors located throughout the following areas:

  • Kinnelon
  • Wayne
  • Butler
  • Clifton
  • Fair Lawn
  • Hasbrouck Heights
  • And throughout the surrounding communities in Northeast New Jersey

To learn more about our lawn maintenance in Kinnelon, contact us today!