Spring Lawn Care in Putnam County: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

extremely green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Putnam County

The colder months can be tough on your lawn’s health. The elements that are crucial for your lawn to support itself can be in shorter supply, and the shifts in temperature and precipitation can take a heavy toll. To keep your lawn healthy through the winter and ready to support new growth as spring rolls around, it’s crucial to take a few precautionary measures at the end of the year. Our team provides proven spring lawn care strategies to help lawns all over the Putnam County and Dutchess County, NY areas successfully recover from winter.

How to Get a Head Start on Spring Lawn Care in Putnam & Dutchess Counties

There are many separate processes involved in keeping your lawn healthy through the colder months and getting it ready to support consistent growth as the temperatures rise. Here is a quick look at just a few of the steps that you can take to give your lawn a head start in the spring:

Clearing Away Debris. One of the simplest, yet most effective ways to keep your lawn healthy through seasonal transitions is to keep it clear of debris. Fallen branches, overgrowth, and leaf litter can hurt your lawn’s health by preventing your grass from receiving sunlight and moisture while also providing a safe haven for pests. Clearing debris out of your lawn should be at the top of your list when it comes to quick and easy lawn maintenance.

Fertilization & Aeration. There are many elements that your lawn needs to make it through the winter with its health intact, with oxygen and nutrients being among the most important. Unfortunately for your lawn, these elements can be harder to come by during the colder months. Fertilization and aeration treatments will replenish your lawn’s stores of oxygen and nutrients to help it support itself and fend off external threats until the temperatures start to rise.

Our Hassle-Free Spring Lawn Care for Putnam County Homeowners

Maintaining your lawn’s overall health through the transition from winter to spring doesn’t have to turn your schedule upside-down. At Lawn Doctor of Putnam County and Southern Dutchess County, we can apply our treatments whether you’re home or not, which gives you the freedom to use your time how you choose.

To learn more about our spring lawn care in Putnam County, contact us today! We provide advanced spring lawn care strategies to our neighbors in Putnam County, Brewster, Dutchess County, Fishkill, Poughkeepsie, Wappingers Falls, and the surrounding communities.