Residential Lawn Care in Reading: 4 Lawn Terms You Should Know

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Reading

Lawn care has its own set of industry-specific terms. And whether you hear them from your neighbors, from associates at the hardware store, or from our technicians while we’re applying our treatments, it’s helpful to have some familiarity with these terms. Below, we’ll walk you through a few must-know terms, what these terms mean, and how they fit into the larger picture of our residential lawn care in the Reading, PA area.

Essential Lawn Care Terminology

There’s a long list of lawn care terms that you might hear throughout the treatment process. Here’s a closer look at a few of them:


Your lawn needs nutrients to develop and support consistent grass growth from season to season. Not all of these nutrients are needed in the same amounts. “Micronutrients” are nutrients that are needed in smaller amounts, like iodine, chromium, and cobalt.


Unlike micronutrients, some nutrients are needed in large quantities. These “macronutrients” are what your lawn’s overall health largely depends on, and they include phosphorous, nitrogen, and potassium. Because maintaining the right levels of these nutrients is essential, fertilizers often have labels displaying the percentages of them.


There are several plants that can creep into your yard and put its health at risk. Fighting these invasive plants takes a specific type of product. “Herbicides” are products that fight invasive plants, and we use them primarily to fight dandelion, nutsedge, and other common weeds.


Just as there are products to fight invasive plants, there are products designed to fight fungus. Fungus usually develops in local lawns in response to nutrient deficiencies and causes lawn diseases like red thread and brown patch. “Fungicides” are products used to fight fungus and the lawn diseases it causes.

Our Residential Lawn Care in Reading

Our proven residential lawn care helps local lawns stay healthy and green through the seasons while also protecting them from external threats. And with our convenient approach, we’ll also save you time and prevent you from being stuck at home during long service windows. We offer comprehensive service to our neighbors located throughout the following communities:

  • Reading
  • Lebanon
  • Jonestown
  • Berks County
  • Lebanon County
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

For residential lawn care in Reading, contact us today!