Grass Care in Lebanon: What to Do Between Treatments

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Lebanon

Maintaining a healthy, consistently-growing lawn means taking a comprehensive approach to maintenance. And while our team offers professional grass care treatments to optimize the composition of Lebanon, PA lawns, regular upkeep between applications is important to keep your lawn at 100%. Below, we’ll take a look at some of these regular maintenance tasks you can complete between our visits, how to get them right, and how they can help you keep your grass greener through the seasons.

Grass Care Tips for a Healthier Lawn Between Treatments

There’s a wide range of lawn upkeep tasks you can take care of between our regularly-scheduled treatments. Let’s take a closer look at a few of them:

Mowing your lawn does much more than just keep it tidy. How long you keep your grass has a drastic effect on how it develops and fends off external threats throughout the year. Cutting your grass too short makes it easier for weeds to move in and causes your lawn to develop weaker root systems, which is why it’s important to mow high even if it means mowing more often. Regularly servicing your mower is also important, as dull blades can cause discoloration.

Watering is also an important part of maintaining your lawn between our visits. And while watering may seem like a no-brainer, issues with watering actually aren’t that uncommon. Not watering deeply enough is one of these issues, and it causes root formations to become shallow and dry out more quickly. Watering too late in the day is another issue, as the afternoon sun can cause water to evaporate before it can properly hydrate your lawn.

Another helpful tip to preserve your lawn between our grass care treatments is to designate a specific area for your pets. Pet spots can be unsightly, and they can cause dead grass and discoloration all over your lawn. Protective elements like mulch and gravel can also be added to these areas to provide additional protection.

Flexible Grass Care for Lebanon Homeowners

Your lawn’s needs don’t stay the same throughout the year, which is why our team offers flexible treatment plans. We’ll help your lawn overcome any new challenges or changing conditions that pop up over time by adjusting our treatments accordingly. With these customized treatments and ongoing upkeep, your yard will have everything it needs to look its best.

We offer our proven grass care to homeowners located throughout these areas:

  • Lebanon
  • Reading
  • Jonestown
  • Berks County
  • Lebanon County
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

Contact us to learn how professional grass care treatments can bring results to your Lebanon lawn!