Satisfaction Guarantee

We want you to love your lawn, yard and home. And, we take pride in the knowledge and techniques that our local lawn professionals in Stamford, CT bring to your lawn care.

That’s why we offer the Lawn Doctor Guarantee:

If any one of our Hybrid Program Stages does not achieve satisfactory results, simply tell us. As your locally operated Lawn Doctor franchise, we’ll either return and reapply that application at no additional charge within 15 days of your last treatment, power seeding excluded.

To learn more about what to expect from Lawn Doctor, explore our services:

*Certain restrictions apply.

Call 203-348-3025 to schedule your FREE On-Site evaluation today.

Consistent, responsive and committed services over 12 years

Lawn Doctor of Stamford, CT has taken care of our lawn in Darien for over 12 years. The quality of their services has been consistent, they have been responsive when I have contacted them, and they have been committed to find solutions when certain areas of the lawn needed special care and attention. The partner/co-owner has been hands on when needed and most responsive to ensure that Lawn Doctor met our expectations. I have no hesitation in recommending Lawn Doctor of Stamford, CT.

Lawn Care Services

Lawn Doctor

Stamford, CT 06907

If you’re not 100% satisfied – we’ll make it right. It’s that simple.

The lawn doctor van with logo on the side