Lawn Care in Washingtonville

Lawn Doctor expert providing Lawn Care in Washingtonville

Helping your lawn weather the issues that pop up throughout the year and keeping it lush and green require much more than just mowing the grass. At Lawn Doctor of Orange County NY, we utilize a complete approach to lawn care to keep Washingtonville, NY lawns looking their best, while also keeping them protected from the issues and external threats that appear over time. From seasonal improvements to in-depth repair programs and complete overhauls, our team has your yard covered.

Why Choose Our Lawn Care?

When you work with our team, you’ll have access to an extensive range of top-notch lawn treatments designed to remedy the issues that can pop up as the seasons go by. Mowing prevents overgrown grass, and our treatments work to prevent, manage, and optimize everything else. Here’s a quick look at just a few of the many issues we commonly address in Washingtonville lawns:

Compacted Soil

The composition of your soil plays a major role in determining the overall health of your home’s outdoor areas. When it becomes compacted, it can prevent water, nutrients, and oxygen from freely circulating to your lawn’s root systems. And the lack of these elements leads to a long list of issues. Our core aeration treatments use heavy-duty equipment to quickly break up compacted soil and restore this circulation.

Nutrient Imbalances

Without the right nutrients, your lawn can have trouble growing and have an increased risk of developing issues like lawn diseases, discoloration, and more. To optimize your lawn’s composition and boost its nutrient content, our team uses advanced fertilization treatments that use custom-blended fertilizers and advanced products to maximize results.

Weed Infestations

Once weeds take root in your yard and start spreading, fighting them without help from the pros can be a long and laborious process. With our advanced treatment strategies and our cutting-edge products, we effectively address both broadleaf and grassy weeds in local lawns, while also preventing pre-emergent weeds from popping up in the first place.

Our Guaranteed Lawn Care in Washingtonville

When you work with us, you can rest easy that your yard is in safe hands. We protect our lawn care with one of the industry’s strongest service guarantees to take the risk and uncertainty completely out of the maintenance process.

We offer our flexible lawn care programs to our neighbors in:

  • Washingtonville
  • Orange County NY
  • Monroe
  • Middletown
  • Newburgh
  • Montgomery
  • Warwick
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

To get started with our lawn care in Washingtonville, contact us today!