Lawn Maintenance in Allentown: Tips for Thicker Growth

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Maintenance in Allentown

Lush, green grass is a sure sign that your lawn has been well maintained. But there’s a long list of factors that can pop up throughout the year and inhibit your lawn’s ability to produce healthy grass, and addressing these factors on your own can be tough. That’s where our team comes in. Our professional lawn maintenance brings thicker grass to our neighbors throughout the Allentown, TX, area. Below, we’ll highlight a few tips for growing thicker grass and how our team can help you put them into practice.

Top Tips for Thicker Grass Growth

Several steps can be taken to grow thicker grass. Here are a few tips for achieving thicker grass and how our team can implement them into your overall lawn maintenance program:

Effective Fertilization

Providing your yard with the right nutrients is one of the most important steps toward a lush, green lawn. Phosphorous is the nutrient that’s mostly directly responsible for helping your yard produce thicker grass. However, failing to balance it with nitrogen and the other nutrients your lawn needs can lead to issues. With our proven fertilization treatments, we’ll give your yard the right nutrients in the right concentrations to spark healthy grass growth.

Weed Control

Another key part of growing healthy grass is fighting weeds. These pesky plants can take resources away from your grass, leading to growth issues while also turning your yard into an eyesore. With our top-notch weed control solutions, our team fights both pre-emergent and post-emergent weeds. This comprehensive coverage frees up resources for your grass, helping it grow thicker through the seasons.

Breaking Up Compacted Soil

Compacted soil leads to growth issues by blocking water and other resources from reaching your lawn’s root systems. To alleviate this blockage, it’s important to break up compacted soil. That’s where our cutting-edge aeration treatments come in.

Our Guaranteed Lawn Maintenance in Allentown

The process of achieving and maintaining a thicker, greener lawn doesn’t have to be an uncertain one. At Lawn Doctor of Warren, we cover our service with a comprehensive guarantee to take the risk completely out of the process.

We are proud to offer professional lawn maintenance solutions throughout the local area, including:

  • Allentown
  • Hackettstown
  • Washington
  • Randolph
  • Quakertown
  • Sparta
  • And throughout the neighboring areas

For lawn maintenance in Allentown, contact us today!