Lawn Care Services in Allentown PA: Fertilization 101

sloped lawn with line of bushes in background showing lawn care services in Allentown PAAs lawn care service professionals in the Allentown, PA area, Lawn Doctor of Warren knows that fertilization is critical to the success of your yard. If you want healthy, thick growth, along with strong natural defenses, then you need to feed your lawn. However, getting the most from treatments requires a precision approach. And if you make some of the following mistakes, you could actually damage your lawn.

  • Mistake 1: Not checking for compaction. When it comes to your lawn, soil compaction can wreak havoc. Not only does it hinder airflow, but also nutrient absorption. If your soil is compacted, then no matter how much fertilizer you apply, it’s not going to do much to improve health and appearance.
  • Mistake 2: Applying fertilizer at the wrong time. Your lawn needs to be fed at the correct points during the growing season. Fertilizing at the wrong time can lead to poor results and will encourage weed growth. That’s why it’s important to know your lawn type and whether it’s cool- or warm-season so you can plan out fertilization treatments accordingly. Generally speaking, early spring and fall are two critical points to fertilize for both types.
  • Mistake 3: Not spreading applications evenly. If you want a uniform-looking lawn, you need to spread fertilizer evenly over it. If you miss spots or apply an inconsistent amount in areas, then your lawn will suffer in the form of uneven, sloppy-looking growth.
  • Mistake 4: Using too much fertilizer. When you over-fertilize, you can actually injure your grass, leading to complications with weeds, diseases, and other lawn care challenges. So make sure you read the instructions carefully on whatever product you buy. Also, be sure to keep applications at least six weeks apart.

The Allentown PA Area’s Source for Quality Fertilization and Lawn Care Services

If you’d rather avoid these mistakes and get professional help with fertilization, give the lawn care service team trusted across the Allentown, PA area a call. We can help your lawn reap the many benefits of fertilization through regular treatments, an annual plan for both fertilization and weed control, or all-natural solutions. All our plans come with customized lawn care, premium-blended materials that we mix especially for your yard, and access to our industry-leading Turf Tamer® application equipment. It’s what sets us apart and leads to beautiful results in your lawn.

Learn more today about why customers from Allentown PA to Washington, Hackettstown, Randolph, Quakertown, Sparta, and the surrounding communities trust our lawn care services. Simply call (908) 835-8700 today to book your free consultation.