If we go a stretch like 10-14 days with no rain and it’s hot, and you start to see the lawn looking stressed, you can certainly run a cycle in the morning. A lawn will recover quicker from getting dry and then getting watered than it will from being too wet and getting brown patch or leaf spot
Watering recommendations for the summer (APRIL – AUGUST): When daytime temperature are consistently over 80 degrees your lawn needs 1 – 1 1/2 inces of water per week. This should be split into watering about 2-3 times per week for about 15-20 minutes per zone. During this time of the year the lawn needs more deep watering to help it with the summer heat.
Watering recommendations for the fall (SEPTEMBER – NOVEMBER) Watering should be cut back when night time temperatures are consistently below 70 degrees and daytime temperatures are below 80 degrees. Only about once a week should be sufficient. You want to cut way back in the fall. If you are home and not traveling, the best thing is to just run it once you start to notice it looking a little dry. St. Augustine will rebound quite well after being dry, but not so much to being over wet and getting brown patch.
Watering recommendations for the winter: (DECEMBER – FEBUARY): Water 1 inch every 2-3 weeks. Usually there is enough rainfall to satisfy.Most treatments can be watered in with the next rain.