3 Problems Our Lawncare Service in Akron Can Solve

Closeup picture of a tick after Lawn Doctor provided Lawncare Service in Akron

While you’re probably no stranger to lawn-related problems, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re experienced at solving them. At Lawn Doctor of Strongsville-Stow, we know that effective lawncare services should focus not only on maintaining a yard’s health but also solving problems that pop up over time. You can expect our professional team in Akron to come prepared with a problem-solving mindset and free your grass of any hindrances keeping it from reaching its potential for greener, thicker growth.

Our Lawncare Service Tackles a Variety of Lawn Problems

Our wide range of lawncare services can solve many tricky issues plaguing local lawns. Here’s a brief glance at some of these problems and our approach to resolving them:

  • Unhealthy turf. You may know your grass is unhealthy due to its color or sparse growth but may not know what is causing this condition. In truth, there are many reasons your grass may not be thriving. Rather than attempting to solve the problem through trial and error, which will be expensive, you can trust us to assess your lawn and then treat and identify any issues with its health.
  • Compacted soil. Compacted soil can be relatively easy to identify on your own but difficult to treat. That is because the best way to break up dense soil is by using heavy machinery called a core aerator. Trusting us to increase airflow in your soil through core aeration can resolve compaction problems and give grassroots all the room they need to grow.
  • Weed growth. When invasive plants are allowed to grow and spread, they can quickly take over your landscape. Most homeowners think the best way to deal with weeds is to pull them out by hand, but this can result in them returning with a vengeance. We take a more comprehensive approach to weed control that includes both pre-emergent treatments and treatments that knock out existing weeds, helping provide lasting relief from this problem.

Transform Your Lawn in Akron With Our Help 

For a complete range of lawncare services that can resolve some of the most pressing issues you face with your yard, turn to our team. We are proud to serve our fellow community members in:

  • Akron
  • Stow
  • Strongsville
  • Medina
  • Hudson
  • Streetsboro
  • Uniontown
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

For a lawncare service in Akron, contact us today!