Residential Lawn Care in Plantsville: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Plantsville

There are a number of common myths associated with grass growth and basic residential lawn care practices. Unfortunately, these myths are often responsible for difficulties with maintaining a lush lawn. If you are finding it a challenge to keep your grass green and at the peak of its health, Lawn Doctor of Bristol-Southington is here to assist you. Our services are based on our extensive knowledge and wealth of experience, and we’re proud to support homeowners in Plantsville with developing a lawn care strategy based on facts, not fiction.

Debunking Widespread Residential Lawn Care Myths

Understanding how you may have been led astray by widespread lawn care myths is the first step to regaining control over your lawn’s health. Here are a few to consider, as well as some fact-checking done by our local experts:

  • Myth #1: Fertilizers can be used to fill in bare areas of your lawn. If you reach for fertilizer when you notice large bare spots on your landscape, you may be in for disappointment. Seeding the area is likely to produce better results. For help with effectively seeding your lawn and filling in barren areas, you can always turn to our professional technicians.
  • Myth #2: Grass type shouldn’t factor into your lawn care strategy. When it comes to grass, the different types are not all one and the same. Knowing whether you have cool-season or warm-season grass and how this affects when your turf should be treated is key. We can analyze your lawn to not only classify your grass type, but also come up with an annual plan of treatments based on this classification.
  • Myth #3: Spiked shoes are an effective solution to soil compaction. Resolving compaction issues is a little more complicated than changing the type of shoes you wear when caring for your lawn. To prevent compaction from suffocating your grass roots, choose core aeration performed by our experienced team.

Demystifying Residential Lawn Care for Homeowners in Plantsville

When you have us as your partner in lawn care, you can finally understand why your turf hasn’t been responding to your efforts. We’ll explain exactly how we’re keeping your lawn lush and even provide you with tips on how to keep it in good shape in between our visits. Learn more about the services we offer for the following communities by getting in touch with our company:

  • Plantsville
  • Southington
  • Bristol
  • Plainville
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

For residential lawn care in Plantsville, contact us today!