Residential Lawn Care in South Austin: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in South Austin

When you become aware of the many myths that abound in the world of residential lawn care, you may start to question your own techniques for caring for your lawn in South Austin. Our team at Lawn Doctor of South Austin-San Marcos understands that for those who do not have our level of professional expertise, telling fact from fiction can be tough. We help eliminate uncertainty by offering services based on our in-depth experience and a solid foundation of industry knowledge. Thanks to these services, your lawn can finally grow into the green, lush turf it has the potential to be.

Exposing Widespread Residential Lawn Care Myths

We’re dedicated to enhancing the beauty of lawns in our local community, and we know that busting widespread myths is one way to help homeowners avoid doing damage to their lawns. Below are some that we hear on repeat:

  • Myth #1: Thatch is bad. Thatch can be bad, but it’s all relative. A thin covering of thatch can actually give your yard some much-needed insulation and a bit of protection. Any more than that, though, can ultimately lead to health issues. When you’re unsure if the thatch on your lawn is harming or helping your grass, turn to our experts to determine whether dethatching is a necessary step.
  • Myth #2: Putting spikes on your shoes can help alleviate soil compaction problems. Soil compaction leads to the suffocation of plant roots and should be remedied as soon as possible. While you may hear that wearing spiked shoes will solve the problem, this is unlikely to be the case. To break up that dense soil and get oxygen below the surface of your lawn, ask for professional core aeration from our team.
  • Myth #3: Fertilization should be done once or at most twice per year. Homeowners that don’t fertilize their grass often enough are usually unsatisfied with the results. To promote turf health and resilience, we include 6-8 treatments annually in our custom fertilization programs.

Making Residential Lawn Care Easier For Homeowners in South Austin

You can worry less about your lawn care practices and enjoy your lawn more when you rely on us to provide proven care for your landscape.

Explore the many services we offer in:

  • South Austin
  • Kyle
  • San Marcos
  • Buda
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

For residential lawn care in South Austin, contact us today!