Residential Lawn Care in Kyle: 4 Lawn Terms You Should Know

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Kyle

Working with Lawn Doctor of South Austin-San Marcos makes residential lawn care a breeze. We’ll begin by visiting your lawn in Kyle to conduct an initial evaluation and start diagnosing its problems. After we complete this task, we’ll draw up a comprehensive lawn care plan designed for your lawn’s specific needs as well as your stated preferences.

Common Residential Lawn Care Terms You May Encounter

While our experts are assessing your lawn’s current state of health and outlining a plan for improving how it looks and feels, you may hear us use some terminology you’re unfamiliar with. Don’t worry, we’ll explain all of our recommendations to you clearly so you know precisely what you can expect from our treatments.

Terms that commonly come up during initial evaluations in the Kyle area are:

  • Aeration. When your soil is densely packed together, the resources your grass needs to stay healthy can’t reach its roots. Furthermore, these roots don’t have any space to breathe and grow. Aeration is often a necessary part of residential lawn care and consists of breaking up compacted soil and introducing much-needed air pockets into the ground.
  • Thatch. Thatch is another issue that can block off nutrients destined for grass roots. Thatch is made up of plant material that builds up on top of the soil over time. Any more than a small layer can be harmful to grass, which is why the management of thatch is important.
  • Macronutrients. Macronutrients are the nutrients that plants require in large doses for their health and ultimate survival. These nutrients can be delivered through fertilization and include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
  • Broadleaf weeds. Broadleaf weeds are a category of unwanted plants that steal away nutrients from turf and can cause an eyesore on your lawn. Common broadleaf weeds include dandelion and chickweed.

We Can Help You With Residential Lawn Care in Kyle

Whether you’d like to hear more about our range of treatment options or you want to go ahead and get started with an initial evaluation, contact our residential lawn care company today. Partnering with us is risk-free thanks to our comprehensive customer satisfaction guarantee.

We’d love to improve the beauty and resilience of your lawn through our services in:

  • Kyle
  • San Marcos
  • South Austin
  • Buda
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For residential lawn care in Kyle, contact us today!