Lawn Maintenance in San Marcos

Lawn Doctor expert providing Lawn Maintenance in San Marcos

Does it ever feel like you spend a lot of energy working in your lawn and not much time enjoying it? Turn the tables and hire a lawn care professional instead. When you do, you can access expert treatments and achieve a lush, healthy lawn, all with more time in your day. The question is: which lawn maintenance company in the San Marcos, TX area is a fit for you? Follow these tips to find out.

How to Choose a Lawn Maintenance Company in San Marcos

Don’t hit the Internet yet if you’re looking for a lawn maintenance company in the San Marcos area. First, ask around your neighborhood or reach out to friends and family. Word-of-mouth will provide you with some good recommendations, so you’re not simply cold calling companies. You’ll also find out which companies to steer clear of.

Once you have some names, research them online. Read testimonials, look for photos and videos on their websites, and find out about their services. You can also use sites like Facebook and Yelp to read reviews from customers. This will give you a good picture of what their reputation is like.

If you have a few possibilities in mind, call and ask to schedule a consultation. Most companies offer them free of charge and will come to your lawn to analyze it and diagnose problems. With a first-hand look at your yard, they’ll be able to give you an accurate price quote, so you know what to expect.

During your conversation, be sure to ask about other details, such as whether they are bonded and insured and if you have to sign a contract. Don’t go with the lower cost choice if they don’t have the proper protection in place. If they’re not insured and bonded and an accident happens, you could be held liable for an injury or damage.

Call Us for a Free Lawn Maintenance Estimate!

If you’d like to hire one of the leading choices in lawn maintenance, a team that’s fully bonded and insured, turn to Lawn Doctor of South Austin-San Marcos. We can fertilize, treat weeds, aerate, and more, all while you get more time and energy to go enjoy life. Meanwhile, you’ll have the best-looking lawn on the block to come home to.

It’s the best of all worlds and available in:

  • San Marcos
  • Kyle
  • South Austin
  • Buda
  • And other nearby communities

If you’d like to find out more about our lawn maintenance in the San Marcos, TX area, contact us today to get started.