Grub Control in South Austin: 5 Signs of Grub Problems

grub control in South Austin

Don’t let a grub infestation catch you offguard. By knowing the most common signs of grub problems, you can more readily take action before grubs can achieve their full potential for damage. If you are unsure of the warning signs that you need grub control in South Austin, just look to our trusted team. At Lawn Doctor of South Austin-San Marcos, we put our knowledge, experience, and eye for detail to work to make sure local homeowners are able to give their lawns necessary protection from this plant-eating pest.

Red Flags Signaling a Need for Grub Control

A few of the most easy-to-spot red flags that suggest you might need grub control are as follows:

  • Your grass feels loose or spongy when you walk on it. Grubs expertly detach grassroots from grass blades, which can cause entire sections of your lawn to take on an oddly loose texture.
  • Some areas of your lawn can be pulled up and away. In many cases, damage caused by grubs can even lead to portions of your lawn peeling away with ease.
  • Random patches of grass are becoming an ugly shade of brown. Without a proper root system in place, patches of grass whose roots have been eaten by grubs will wither and die off. This will leave behind an ugly shade of brown in place of the former healthy green.
  • Beetles are buzzing around at the level of grass blades. Beetles and moths lay the eggs that generate grubs, and their presence in your grass is a major red flag that a grub infestation could be just around the corner.
  • Dug up holes scattered across your yard. Have mysterious holes started to appear on your landscape? These are likely the work of larger animals searching for grubs to snack on. Once they realize that grubs are just below the surface of your lawn, they won’t be able to resist this tempting treat.

We Can Diagnose and Treat Your Grub Problem in South Austin

If you have noticed any of the above signs or are still uncertain about whether you have a grub issue on your hands, leave it to us to provide expert diagnosis and treatment for your yard in:

  • South Austin
  • Kyle
  • San Marcos
  • Buda
  • Or a community in the surrounding area

For grub control in South Austin,contact us today!