Lawn Care in Penfield

Lawn Doctor expert providing Lawn Care in Penfield

The cold winter months are a good time to pause and think about your property. What are you happy with? What needs an update? What needs a complete overhaul? For example, did your lawn seem fresh and healthy throughout last spring and summer? If not, you can start planning changes to your lawn care in Penfield.

Now, where should you begin? If you consistently came across dead patches, fought a losing battle against weeds, or just didn’t get the grass growth you wanted last year, you may have been skipping some important groundwork—literally. Don’t worry, though, because our local lawn care experts in Penfield are here to help.

How Our Lawn Care in Penfield Can Upgrade Your Outdoor Areas

At Lawn Doctor of Rochester, our technicians can tend to all the following factors to help your green spaces thrive:

Soil quality. To promote healthy turf grass growth, you need nutrient-rich soil that is loose enough for nutrients, oxygen, and water to pass through with ease. You may also need to adjust the pH if it’s too basic or too acidic. We can tackle these concerns with our fertilization, core aeration, and pH balancing services. We may recommend these processes before our lawn seeding treatments.

Pest presence. Some pests, like ticks and mosquitoes, make it a pain to be outdoors. They also carry diseases they can pass on to your family members and pets. Additionally, there are pests like grubs and moles that will target your plants and damage your property. We offer targeted pest control treatments to keep these critters at bay.

Weed buildup. Weeds can give your lawn a messy, unruly quality. They can also draw key resources away from the rest of your plants. Our local lawn care experts in Penfield provide weed control treatments to stop these plants from taking over.

Tree and shrub condition. Disease and certain insect infestations can leave your trees and shrubs in disrepair. We can maintain the health of your trees and shrubs via ongoing treatments.

Contact Lawn Doctor of Rochester To Find Out More

For years, our team of local lawn care technicians has provided top-quality treatments throughout this part of Upstate New York, covering the following communities:

  • Penfield
  • Rochester
  • Greece
  • Fairport
  • Pittsford
  • Hilton
  • Chili
  • Webster
  • Monroe County
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For superior lawn care in Penfield, contact us today!