Why Professional Lawn Care in Raleigh Makes All the Difference for Your Yard

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing professional lawn care in RaleighIt takes a comprehensive approach to keep your lawn healthy, green, and growing throughout the year. When lawn diseases or other common issues damage one aspect of your lawn’s health, it can have a domino effect and throw the rest of its characteristics out of balance. DIY lawn treatment routines often focus on only the immediately affected characteristics of your lawn, while leaving the rest of them as afterthoughts. This approach can not only result in lasting imbalances, it can also cause further issues with your lawn’s short and long-term health. At Lawn Doctor of North Raleigh, we take a professional approach to lawn care that brings complete coverage and long-lasting results to lawns in Raleigh – Six Forks, North Hills, Millbrook, Leesville, Lake Wheeler, Inside the Beltline, Glenwood, Brier Creek and surrounding areas.

Our Professional Lawn Care Services in Raleigh

To address all of the different aspects of our customers’ lawns, we utilize a wide range of lawn treatments. These are just a few of the many professional lawn care services we use to bring Raleigh homeowners great-looking lawns:

Power Seeding. Run-of-the-mill seeding treatments can lead to patchy growth. Uneven application, timing issues, and several other common mishaps often limit the results that homeowners are able to achieve by seeding their lawn on their own. With our power seeding treatments, we use our proprietary power seeding equipment to get the most out of lawn seed and increase the density of your turf.

pH Balancing. With acidity levels outside of the healthy range, your lawn loses its ability to efficiently utilize the nutrients contained in the soil. DIY pH adjustments can be tricky, as insufficient or heavy-handed treatments can cause further damage to your lawn. We utilize proven techniques and advanced products in our pH balancing treatments to turn your lawn into the ideal environment for healthy growth.

Core Aeration. The circulation of water, oxygen, and nutrients that your lawn needs to survive can be blocked off by compacted soil. Aerating your lawn on your own can be extremely time-consuming and the results it produces can often be limited. We use core aerators to remove strategic soil sections and break apart compacted soil for renewed circulation and a boost in overall health.

Call Lawn Doctor of North Raleigh today at (984) 232-8596 for additional information on how our professional lawn care boosts results in lawns throughout Raleigh, and in our neighboring communities of Six Forks, Millbrook, North Hills, Lake Wheeler, Inside the Beltline, Leesville, Glenwood, and Brier Creek.