Mosquito Spraying in Leesville: Start Today for a Mosquito-Free Summer

An Aedes triseriatus mosquito found prior to Lawn Doctor provided Mosquito Spraying in Leesville.

Don’t let mosquitoes take a bite out of your summer fun. Instead, start now to gain control over these unwanted pests. When combined with mosquito spraying, early measures can control an infestation before the height of the season in Leesville, Raleigh, and nearby areas in NC. You’ll have the upper hand and a more comfortable summer to enjoy with your family and friends outside.

Why Early Mosquito Spraying is Key

During winter, some mosquitoes actually hibernate and lay eggs rather than die off. Once spring arrives, eggs hatch and become active adults. Plus, warm, rainy springtime conditions create the optimal environment for breeding.

When you see a big influx of mosquitoes, you already have an infestation and need to take more serious steps to eliminate it. The good news is that by acting now, much earlier in the season, you can create conditions that are less favorable for these insects.

When you do that, they’re less likely to breed in your lawn, which means you won’t see swarms of mosquitoes when you’re trying to enjoy an outdoor dinner or play time with your kids. Instead, you’ll have stronger control and more peace and quiet during the summer evenings. In addition, you won’t have to worry as much about the diseases insects carry, like Zika and West Nile viruses.

Beyond spraying, the best way for homeowners in the Leesville area to achieve a lawn that is less inviting to mosquitoes is to remove or drain standing water. Any items, from old tarps, flower pots, kiddie pools, bird baths, clogged gutters, and buckets gather water and create prime breeding sites.

Another way to make your family less of an insect target? Replace the white lights you have outside with yellow ones. White lights serve as a clear beacon to your back patio and your family. However, mosquitoes have a harder time seeing yellow lights.

Turn to Our Leesville Area Team for Mosquito Spraying Services

In addition to taking these steps, hiring a professional in the Leesville area for mosquito spraying will provide powerful control and a more comfortable summer ahead. At Lawn Doctor of North Raleigh, we can help with our Yard Armour® program. It offers a multi-step approach to suppressing adults, eggs, and larvae, as well as keeping protection high all season.

If you’re ready to find out more, we now serve Raleigh and the communities of:

  • Leesville
  • Wake Forest
  • Six Forks
  • North Hills
  • Brier Creek
  • Millbrook
  • Glenwood
  • Rolesville
  • Youngsville
  • Lake Wheeler
  • And other surrounding areas inside the Beltline

Contact us today to learn more about our mosquito spraying in Leesville, NC.