Satisfaction Guarantee

We want you to love your lawn, yard and home. And, we take pride in the knowledge and techniques that our local lawn professionals in Pennington Region bring to your lawn care.

That’s why we offer the Lawn Doctor Guarantee:

If any one of our Maintainer Care Applications does not achieve satisfactory results, simply tell us. As your locally operated Lawn Doctor franchise, we’ll either return and reapply that application at no additional charge or refund the full cost of your last application.

To learn more about what to expect from Lawn Doctor, explore our services:

Disease Control
Lawn Aeration
Lawn Care
Lawn Maintenance
Lawn Pest Control
Lawn Treatment
Natural Lawn Care
pH Balancing
Power Seeding
Tree and Shrub Care
Weed Control
Custom Lawn Care
Yard Armour Mosquito Control
*Certain restrictions apply.

Call 609-474-4668 to schedule your FREE On-Site evaluation today.