Fall Lawn Care in Princeton: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in PrincetonDays are getting darker and temperatures are dropping. But that doesn’t mean it’s time to leave lawn care behind. In fact, autumn is an ideal season to deliver a few key treatments that will reap beautiful results next spring. And at Lawn Doctor of Princeton, we’re here to help along the way. As fall lawn care experts in the Princeton, NJ area, below are a few recommendations to revive your turf after summer stress, prepare it for a harsh New Jersey winter ahead, and dazzle you during the next growing season:

Rake and remove leaf piles. Stay on top of this task throughout autumn. If you don’t, leaves will pile up and cause wet, dark conditions that can lead to diseases and insect infestations. Likewise, your lawn won’t receive adequate sunlight when there’s a thick layer of leaves on top.

Mow to the right height. When you’re mowing, make sure you’re not scalping your lawn. This can lead to stress heading into winter. Instead, keep grass to around three inches in height. When your grass is a little longer, it will also capture more sunlight, so it can make more food.

Aerate dense or compressed soil. Fall in the Princeton area is a good time to add aeration to your list of lawn care chores since soil often becomes compressed during summer due to high foot traffic. When you aerate, not only will you loosen dense soil, but also get more nutrients and water to reach roots.

Fertilize to fuel beautiful growth. Nourishing your lawn will help to fuel better development since your lawn will have more energy reserves to survive winter and green-up faster in the spring. When you fertilize, just make sure you do so before it gets too cold out.

Let Princeton’s Fall Lawn Care Team Help

Want professional help with your yard during the autumn season? Turn to Lawn Doctor of Princeton. As a leading provider of fall lawn care in the Princeton area, we know what your turf needs and when and will even personalize our approach and services. You simply handle the mowing, raking, and other maintenance work and we’ll tackle the rest, transforming your yard into something special next spring.

Get started today by calling Lawn Doctor of Princeton at (609) 737-8181 for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care in the Princeton, Lawrenceville, Ewing Township, Hopewell Township, Pennington, Skillman, and Montgomery Township, NJ areas.